Thursday, May 16, 2024

ANA Y2 D355

1:20am. Time to shower and go. Let our TN adventure begin!

Did a million things yesterday. Mowed the lawn, cleaned the house, washed the car, paid bills, took care of tags. God bless self service machines. Went to bed around 8 and got about 5 hours of sleep. Bought pizza for dinner so we didn't have to deal with dishes. Plus now we can have leftovers to come home too. Got some last minute packing to do but otherwise we're ready to roll.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

ANA Y2 D354

I may be off today but I have a ton of stuff to do. From errands to packing to cleaning, today is going to be bust whether I like it or not. There's a good reason I took today off. 

Spent the day updating and refreshing materials for next week's training class. That was my whole day. I had to redo every demo. But now I know they all work and I won't trip over my words next week. Worth the time spent. I had my bi-weekly meeting with my boss. Nothing of any note there. The new COO wants to meet with me. Wants to get to know me better. Ew. But okay. Whatever works for you. Ate leftovers and took care of some stuff around the house. Going to bed early tonight so this time tomorrow we can be on the road for TN!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

ANA Y2 D353

27 years ago, I remember standing in the living room of my apartment hearing NIN for the very first time. Head Like a Hole. I will never forget what happened that night. I'm not going to tell you because it was explicit in nature and is my business, but let's say I will never forget it. No, nothing major happened last night to thrust me back in time 27 years. I was just listening to NIN while waiting for C to get home from work and flashed back to that summer night. It boggles my mind that was almost 30 years ago. It feels like something that happened last year not 30. Ironically, my partner now is the same as my partner was then. Not sure what that says about me.

I decided yesterday a couple of things. First, just due to logistics, I won't be able to meet up with my friends in Nashville this trip. It just won't work out timing wise. Too much driving too late at night. If we would meet for lunch versus dinner, maybe. But Nashville is 3 hours from Knoxville, not the two I originally thought. So that's out. Second, I realized I have a ton of shit to do before we leave and am stressed about getting it done. Therefore I am also taking tomorrow off. Fuck it. I have to finish packing, clean this house, prep the cat stuff, mow the lawn. Too much. So as of 3pm today, I will be done. I need a break anyway. 

Worked on documents yesterday, same today. Prep for my classes next week. Then I am done. C closes all week so I was alone last night. Didn't know what to do with myself. Hence sitting in the living room in the dark listening to NIN. Some things never change in 27 years.

Monday, May 13, 2024

ANA Y2 D352

It's going to be hot today, I can feel it already. One of those mornings where you open the window and there's no movement in the air. I need to work on getting the house down now so it stays cool later. No blinds open, fans going, etc. I will avoid turning on the air as long as possible. 

Yesterday was okay. Finally got to do work in the yard like I've wanted to but didn't have enough mulch to finish the job. I need 5-6 more bags to cover the area I want covered. But it's a start. I will go pick up more today. Only three days I have to get through this week. Then we're off to TN for a few days out of the house. More goddamn driving but it is what it is. At least I won't be in the house.

Let's get through the days.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

ANA Y2 D351

We had a plan yesterday. All plans alas were thwarted because it fucking rained all day. The sun did come out - at 7pm. No lie. It was brighter at 7:30pm than it had been all day. I was almost tempted to go outside and do yard work. But it was getting too late to run power tools. I needed to weed whack the front so I can throw down the five bags of mulch we bought. I am hoping I can get it done today. Instead we spent the day inside feeling all mopey and blah. Was a bleak grey day both inside and out. It really affected our mood sadly.

Just a few more days before we leave on our little mini trip! This better be fun or I will be poking some eyes out with sticks!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

ANA Y2 D350

Yesterday was a non-stop whirlwind. I took care of things right and left. I started by paying ALL the bills. I have enjoyed 24 hours without a single bill in my folder. Nice. From there I went to the grocery store so I didn't have to go today, then started laundry, did dishes, fed the cats, cleaned the bathroom, and finally started class. Day two was worse than day 1. Seriously. Like couldn't they have spread the skill set out a bit more? If I had a better balance between the two groups it wouldn't have been so bad. But alas, not to be. I got through it barely. Didn't finish until about 5:15. Then I made us pulled bbq chicken sandwiches for dinner. We took a ride to home depot and got some mulch for the front yard. Of course it's raining this morning because fuck my life. It's supposed to stop soon but seriously? Ugh. We had dinner, watched a documentary together, then crashed around 10pm. I slept in until 6:30am. I got a new monitor arm which I am going to be hooking up today. Excited about that. Should reclaim some desk space. Make it easier to move things around. Oh we signed another contract which means I have two days more being added to my calendar in June. Yeah, I am single-handedly keeping the company going right now. Suck it.

Friday, May 10, 2024

ANA Y2 D349

Friday. Bills. Groceries. Laundry. Teaching. All have to be done today. Stressed. 

Second group is awful. No one talks. They have no skills. Was like pulling teeth all day. Today will be even worse.

Made mahi for dinner. Pulled chicken tonight.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

ANA Y2 D348

I am so tired right now. I could use 2-3 more hours of sleep. We were up until 11:30 because of C. I didn't eat dinner until she got home. Had to stay up a little while to digest. I need her to get a new job sooner rather than later. I can't even sleep in the rest of the week. Maybe Sunday. Maybe. Had weird dreams. Woke up from one of them at 2am. Sweating. Heart racing. I can't remember why. Taught all day. Same thing today and tomorrow. Days keep coming and they don't stop coming.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

ANA Y2 D347

Tired this morning. Class didn't finish until after 5, then I made dinner, answered eleventy billion emails, took care of shit. It was 9pm by the time I sat down to relax. The whole day went by in a blur. I get to do that three more times this week. Yay me. Not much else to discuss this morning. Teach eat sleep. Just like the good old days.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

ANA Y2 D346

It finally happened. Some asshole customer at C's work made her cry on the job. Some fucking white man came in and because the deli was already closed for the night SHE was a "worthless piece of shit" who "ruined his children's dinner". There was more but it was horrible for her. On top of that, her coworker had another customer verbally sexually assault her. He described lewd disgusting things to her and management did nothing. I want both of them to file lawsuits against the company for hostile work environments. It's disgusting that these fucking men think they can do things like this with no consequences. Absolutely disgusting.

I spent the day doing admin stuff. Starting today I am heads down for the next four days. My life is pretty boring in comparison.