My head is splitting still. All day yesterday, this morning. My nose is stopped up too this morning. Fucking weather.
Going to the vet today. Taking C to the courthouse. Not working.
A new chapter of my adventure has begun. Who knows where this one will lead.
My head is splitting still. All day yesterday, this morning. My nose is stopped up too this morning. Fucking weather.
Going to the vet today. Taking C to the courthouse. Not working.
It snowed yesterday. Luckily very briefly and then it turned into rain. Regardless it satopped us from going on another walk which sucked. We were really enjoying those walks. Hopefully we can go again tonight.
Pretty boring day. Taught again all the way up to 4pm. Made lamb burgers for dinner. Watched some tv. Went to bed.
One more day of teaching and then I get a break. New hair saturday. Looking forward to that.
Another day another 2.5 mile walk. We are getting back into the swing of things and it makes me very happy. The dog is happier, we're happier. It's supposed to snow again tomorrow but we will keep doing what we can in the meantime. We did have a creeper on our walk last night. He was in front of us, dog started barking and he started walking backwards staring at us. Like WTF? We waited him out and made it back to the house safe but it was a moment.
Taught all day from 8-4. Decent enough group. A little behind because they all showed up late but whatever. Not my issue.
Made chicken shawarma for dinner. Lamb burgers tonight.
I got a new jumpsuit yesterday Was 50% off and it can be worn for work. Professional looking. I ran it by two friends who both agreed it looks good and is office appropriate. Very happy about that.
Went on another walk. Getting back to our old schedule. Did 2 miles last night. Makes all of us happy. Getting outside, getting energy out of the dog. Makes us all happy.
Met with an attorney yesterday. He was a dick and rushed me through shit but he is going to look into my case. All I could ask for in this matter.
I teach the next three days straight so I will be left alone.
We finished Saul yesterday morning. We both cried like babies at the last episode. I personally like Saul much better than BB. More human and broader story. Good watch.
Not much else. Made ribs. We did manage to finally go on a walk. The weather was acceptable and we got 1.5 miles in. Not great, but being outside helped all of us. Animal and human. Things should be nicer this week and I see more walks in our future.
I have a meeting with an attorney today to discuss the backyard issue. Let's see what happens on that front.
The monkeys in the circus let us sleep until 7am! Incredible! We did keep them up until amost 11:30pm last night so that helped.
Quiet day. I started a smear campaign against the people who want to build in my backyard. I am meeting with an attorney on it tomorrow. I will stop this development come hell or highwater.
Ordered in last night. Persian. Very good.
On thursday I had another meeting with the CEO. The end result of it was that over time the department will be fully handed over to me. I will be the sole member and have full responsibility. With that comes a new title - VP. Sadly there literally is no money yet. We shall see how it goes.
Did presentations yesterday. Got through the day. Made meatball subs for dinner. Nothing on the agenda for today.
Fucking dog would not shut up last night. She barked at every little noise. I am running on about 4 hours of sleep. She was wound up and drove me nuts.
Had another meeting about my job. Looks like if I can hit certain goals I will get a promotion? Okay. Whatever. I don't have the energy to go into it right now. More tomorrow.
Looks like I am going back to RI next month. 5 days, 3 days of teaching, 2 of driving. What was supposed to be remote has turned into onsite. Fuck me. I spent yesterday trying to arrange dog care for those days. Nightmare.
Made lamb chops for dinner. Presentations the next two days.
Are we there yet? I don't know where there is, but I don't want to be here that's for sure.
I wish I could go back. Go back to being 13 or 16. Or 25. Or 40. A chance to do it all over again and this time make better choices. Make choices for me instead of everyone else. Make not the right choices, just better choices. Change how things are. Change who I was, who I am, and who I am supposed to be. But alas that won't happen, will it? I am stuck on this trajectory into the sun.
Nothing new to report. Made salmon and crab bowls for dinner. Worked on a new certification. Took care of dog. Living the dream.
My snow guy didn't come until almost 4pm yesterday. Even if I had wanted to go somewhere I couldn't. The roads were horrible, the driveway was blocked and it snowed all damn day. There's a good foot or two of snow out there right now. It sucks.
I didn't do anything yesterday. Dog duty. Watched the snow come down. My depression is at an all time high.
So yeah, that's how I am feeling. Whee.
It snowed non-stop. Still snowing. We're supposed to get up to 10 inches over the whole weekend. I think it's closer to 5 or 6. I went out yesterday morning to the grocery store and it was bad. I slid through one red light, was making my own lanes in places, slid through a roundabout. Luckily it was early enough and no commuters that I had the roads to myself.
I did ALL the laundry yesterday. Got it all done and put away. In the process I found the basement flooding again. Same place as last time. I sent roto a message asking what my warranty on their work is. We shall see this morning.
The bigger news from yesterday is my friend and I formalized our trip to Nashville. She booked us a double queen at the Omni. 5 star hotel right downtown connected to the Hall of Fame. I in turn bought our entrance tickets to the museums, made dinner reservations, and planned out our itinerary. This is really happening. In two months I will get three days to myself out of this house. I can't wait. We're going to the Country Music Hall of Fame, the Johnny Cash museum, Hattie B's hot chicken, The Farmhouse, the Pancake Pantry, the Gibson Garage, Martin's BBQ - all within a 2 mil walking radius. She got us a prime hotel. I am so excited.
Now I wait to hear about my basement. Joy.
My meeting did not go well. He wouldn't listen to what needs to change. It was hot air blowing. I am doomed.
VD was good. C loved her gifts. She's taking me to dinner tonight.
Have a meeting today at 2pm with the CEO and CFO. Lovely. Not looking forward to that shit show.
Nothing of excite to discuss. Went through the motions. Made tacos.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Got my W2 fixed. Wasn't easy. It was an "oversight". Yeah, right.
We stayed up way too late last night but we are through season 3 of Saul. I don't care what anyone says. Superior show to BB. Just is. More nuance, more likable and dislikable characters. Bigger world. I am excited to see where things go.
Made chicken for dinner. Not much else going on. Can't wait for tomorrow to give C her presents. She surprised me with roses early. I don't expect her to do anything on Friday but it's okay. I know her heart is in the right place even if her memory isn't.
It snowed about 6 inches last night. Very quiet outside.
I am pissed off right now. My W2 is in my dead name. WTF? This feels intentional. My name has been changed for over a year. Why screw it up now? It was fine last year? I feel a fight coming on.
My CEO wants a meeting. Fucking hell. More stress.
This is not a good week.
I guess I am back to learning how to live with my head screaming all the time. I get brief periods of respite but then it's right back to it. It was nice while it lasted.
Mostly random stuff yesterday. Nothing exciting nothing noteworthy. Made meatballs for dinner. Watched three episodes of Saul. Fucking hate Chuck. Halfway through season 3 already. Going much faster than BB ever did. Played with my guildies. Went to bed.
Had a good day finally yesterday. No screaming in my head. Both of us were home and we shared dog duties. Made all the difference in the world. Still haven't left the house, but it was better. I made a pot roast in the slow cooker. Did a little cleaning. Played some video games. Watched some tv.
Another week ahead. Whee.
Finally happened. I went down on the ice last night. Bad. Fucking dog pulled me, I went right on my back. Snow up everything. Hurt my wrist, my leg, and my back. I am so done with being here in the winter. It's a literal ice skating rink out there. I need to throw down something to make it easier to walk.
I hope they find the Superb Owl today.
It's supposed to snow today. Joy. I need to be able to sleep with the windows open again. This is killing my head.
Went to the store, did a mentoring session, baked cookies, made jambalaya for dinner, watched tv. Did start to plan my trip to TN. Looking like April 11th. I have many things to look forward to now. I need them.
The circus rolled into town early this morning. Monkey 1 at 2:10 found a washcloth and was walking around singing with it. This of course started Monkey 2 barking and wanting in on the fun. The ringmaster had to calm everyone down. Fucking monkeys and sadly, it is my circus.
Nothing of any significance to report. The world is still falling apart. Made pork quesadillas for dinner. Watched TV. Went to bed.
I wish I had something deep or meaningful to write about, but I just don't. The world is a shit storm. I am trying to not doomscroll but it gets harder every day. Things are crumbling and all people are talking about is fucking eggs. Go away.
Didn't do much of anything yesterday. Made salmon for dinner. Same thing most likely today.
Whatever. Honestly. I am just whatever. Made pulled pork tacos. Was sad. Weather sucks. Same as it ever was.
Theweather right now is stupid. Today is 8 degrees colder than yesterday which was 12 degrees warmer than the day before which was 10 degrees colder. Get it? 15 one day, 34 the next, back to 19, then up to 45. Like WTF?
Cooked that pork butt for 12 hours. Came out perfect. We had pulled pork sandwiches with it and tonight tacos. Going to get individually 7 or 8 meals out of it. Not too shabby for a $12 piece of meat.
Taught session 4 of 6 with a client, had more clients sign up for march and april. So far the start of the year has been steady and solid for me.
We may be going to a second concert. The Weeknd. C wants to go and if tickets aren't outrageous, we're going.
Got up early this morning to start a 12 hour pork butt. Goal was to have it in by 6am, had it going at 5:55. Boom. I am awesome.
Mostly boring day. I got my hair done, went to total wine and got some rootbeer. That was it for my outside time. We had "eat everything in this damn fridge" for dinner. Watched some tv. Went to bed.
Boring ass day. I didn't do anything excpet go to the store in the morning. Then I was home all day alone. Me and dog. Woo. Hair appointment today. At least I get to leave the house.
Had a very busy day yesterday. Did a mentoring session from 10-12ish, then a presentation from 2-3, then a meeting from 3-4:30. While all that was going on dealt with water in the basement because the snow turned to rain and everything started melting. Made fish for dinner. Still happy with new tv. Watched some stuff, went to bed.