Saturday, August 1, 2015

Y7 D67

Pretty quiet day. I worked on my docs until about 1 and then we went to the movies. I was kind of sad in the morning but getting out of the house helped. We went and saw Ant-Man. It was alright. It wasn't like this super incredible movie but it was alright and it progressed the MCU story line to the next step which is going to be Civil War. First west coast movie laying the groundwork for West Coast Avengers. Now all we need is Doctor Strange and a half dozen other story lines and boom we will finally have the Infinity Wars. I have those comics. I can pull them out right now and see all the things they have done right with these movies.

After the movie we walked around the mall for a while until it was time to have some dinner. We went to one of our favorite places in town both of us thinking in the back of our minds it may be for the last time. Kind of sad, but not sad enough to make us stay. I feel like it's five years ago when I was trying to decide to leave and no good reasons were keeping me around.

After dinner we came home and some friends pinged us and wanted to know if we wanted to come over and hang out. That was actually kind of fun. We just sat around shooting the breeze until a little after 11 and headed home.

I went to bed around midnight and B around 3. Today's goals are packing the remaining kitchen areas, my closet, nightstand, and office, and the patio. Big goals, but I think I can do it all today. This is my last clean weekend with no obligations to get this stuff done. As much as it will be rough, I can do it.

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