Saturday, March 19, 2016

Y7 D298

Writing this blog for so many years has messed me up a little bit. I sometimes find myself thinking in narrative. I am experiencing or thinking about something and it pops into my head in a way that would work better on paper. I have a feeling many writers experience this. To much writing makes everything feel like a page from a book. Not a big deal, just an observation. Because what is life but observations, narratives, and stories. 

Went to the store in the morning yesterday to get some basic groceries. Paid some bills. Worked on my docs for work. Made some headway. Not as much as I would have liked, but I made some. Enough I don't feel guilty. So good enough.

Daredevil 2 was released yesterday and that was our big plans for the night. Pizza and marathon tv. We made it through 5 episodes which is not bad. I'm not like B where I can't watch an entire season of something in one day. I start getting antsy. Five episodes is really good for me. I am hoping we can finish it up this weekend 4 tonight, 4 tomorrow. 

No real plans for the weekend which is okay. Next weekend is easter. The weekend after that starts our crazy time. The minute April hits I won't have time to breathe and I am going to enjoy all the time I have right now. Have to get cat food today and some other random stuff. But otherwise I don't have any real reason to leave the house.

Good and bad.

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