Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Y11 D297

This self imposed exile is wreaking havoc on B's sleep schedule. She's napping at odd times, staying up until 3am, etc. Which isn't a problem until I need her to be up at a certain time to go somewhere. Then of course I'm the bad guy. To me this is just like being on the road. Keep normal schedules, don't deviate. Because when you do, you get screwed. I wonder how many people who've never worked from home or had to stay in the house are struggling too. I went to the store early yesterday and the number of people on the road surprises me. Who is still going to work? Are there that many service related, retail, or essential workers in this area? Or do you all think you're impervious to getting ill? Had another upcoming appointment canceled yesterday. No eyelashes for me. Today I am calling the doctor to see if my April 1st appointment is still on. I would say it's a 50/50 shot at this point. As for my work, I have three clients all competing for weeks of my time. One wants three weeks straight, the other 2. With current commitments, that puts me into May as far as having shit to do. Not a bad thing.

I spent the day recording. Got 3 of 8 modules completed. I should get through the remainder on Friday. Today and tomorrow I have to break to teach a group of 7 some other stuff.

Had corned beef for dinner because duh. Also it made leftovers for at least two days.

I need to learn how to drywall. We were discussing some things we want to do in the basement last night and none of them are extreme changes, but they require putting up some walls. Adjust the walls in the laundry room, make me a new office so we can turn this into a bathroom, and wall off the movie area. A large chunk of that could be easily completed if I new how to drywall. Or I wait until B's dad has had his work dry up and he finds himself with free time. Come over and keep yourself busy drywalling my basement.

My back hurts. I need to go soak it before class starts in 4.5 hours. Ugh. Yeah these two days are 11:30-7:30 again. Bleh.

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