Saturday, March 12, 2022

Y13 D290

It's amazing how much faster, smoother, and pleasant the day goes when you're teaching a good group. An engaged, technically knowledgeable group too. Even though I didn't finish until 4:45, 15 minutes past, it was okay. We finished late because they had good questions and wanted to have engaging discussions about things. I have no problem with that. 

B's friend came over to hang out and we ordered from the local pizza and grinder place. I do like their food. By the time we were done eating it was like 7pm and I felt the need to make a true pound cake. A pound of sugar, a pound of eggs, etc. It came out incredible. I was very impressed with the results. Did a little video gaming and went to bed around 11. 

A pretty good day overall I would say. B took Pip to the vet. All is good. No issues, and as we figured, she is hard of hearing. Not quite deaf, but reduced for sure. Everything else looks great. The power company cut down five trees in our backyard and it looks weird now, but they did it for free and cleaned up after themselves. Something PG&fuckyouE would have never done. 

Nothing pressing on the plate for today. It's still 14 degrees outside and there's still snow so fuck that noise. I have to rearrange my desk this morning but that's about it for must do tasks. Otherwise, I am pretty open the next two days which is nice. No rush, no stress. 

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