I used to have this recurring dream about an old Asian guy who owned a convenience store that was also a sushi place. Specifically I would get cigarettes or sushi from him. He sold not just regular smokes, but fancy ones likes Dunhills and the like. His store would always be mostly the same, kind of like one of those newspaper stands you see in TV in NY or Chicago. To the best of my knowledge this man nor his store have ever existed in the real world. I haven't dreamt of him in a long while that I can recall. Well last night I was supposed to be in some sushi place and the chef was one of his proteges. Like my mind has moved on from the original owner and is now in the next generation. How fucking weird is that? I recall another dream where I was placed in a psych ward against my will and managed to calmly walk out the door to try and escape. It was in some mall or large office complex and I just needed to make it through the outside doors. Explain that one to me, eh?
Recorded and reworked a large portion of the class I am working on. Got through 13 slide recordings and 12 demos. I have 8 left today and the class is done. I need to finish by about 12:30 as C has a 1pm appointment at DMV. She's getting a new license with updated picture and gender marker change. No name change yet, that's a 2024 project, but at least it will be a lot closer to being her. I know the stress that causes. Recently I had to show my ID to buy a bottle of wine and it was very nice just handing over my ID without any shame or embarrassment. It's the little things that get us through the day.
That and apparently sushi.