Tuesday, November 14, 2023

ANA Y2 D171

Nothing exciting today. We're doing our best to stay warm. Moving heaters from room to room. My exgf also had her heater go out. She's got three kids and two dogs she's trying to keep warm. Much worse off than us. We're getting through it.

C worked, I worked. Made coconut chicken for dinner. I haven't made this in a while and I think it's because subconsciously I didn't want to? It's something I would make for B all the time and I guess I have been avoiding making their dinners? But it's a good dinner and it turned out great. It's been over a year now since they left for Alaska, almost a year since they moved out, I think it's okay to cook foods again. It's so weird. At least last time I moved and had a clean break. This time because of circumstances, it's like they're still in my life and just out there. I talk to them a couple times a week. I asked them for directions to the bulk food store the other night. There's no animosity in the respect of the relationship ending. There really isn't. The thought of being apart has been a theme here for quite a while. That isn't where any anger I might have comes from. It's being financially responsible for them that irked me. You want to move on, okay, but you don't get to keep a lifeline. But as I stated here a year ago, their false hope of us being besties is emerging. We're not mean or cruel to each other. If I needed someone to watch the cats, I would call them. But are we seeing each other every day? Nope. Are we staying up at night having chat sessions? Nope. It's the natural order of things. If we do move, that gap will grow even more. It's okay. Which is a long convoluted way of saying I can cook things again. 

Noon is the start of my heater window. Let's hope that this is a painless day. Please dear god, let me catch a break.

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