Saturday, February 24, 2024

ANA Y2 D273

Party = success! We ended up with 9 of us total which turned out to be a good number. Two had health issues, one flaked. Okay. That's why you overbook the flight, right? Someone is bound to not show up. Of course, I have massive amount of leftover food, but meh. I also managed to clean everything up before we hit bed at midnight. Everyone pretty much arrived within a 20 minute window of each other which was great. I said dinner at 6:30 and we stuck to that. We had three different games in action and everyone had a good time. I spent most of the day cycling between rushing and waiting. All in all, it was a stressful day until about 7, but then I got to enjoy myself and all was good. Our weekend guest is still here obviously and today we're going to hang out and do things together that he wants to do.

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