Tuesday, April 30, 2024

ANA Y2 D339

Woke up to 11 emails this morning. Back into it I go I guess. Sigh. Most of it was junk but some I have to read and figure out what's going on. I swear both C and I need new jobs.

Took it easy yesterday. Got the front lawn mowed just in time. It rained all night. The back still needs to be done, but at least the front looks acceptable. Didn't do much of anything else. Played some games. C closed so another night alone. Oh well.

Monday, April 29, 2024

ANA Y2 D338

Finally felt back to myself yesterday. Went to the grocery store, did all my laundry, cleaned the house, watched the rain, played my game. It was a productive day. It is finally getting warm. I had the house fan on for a while, turned on the AC when we went to bed. I have all the fans setup and setup the AC unit in the office. Made IKEA at home for dinner. Had a good talk about finances with C last night. Turns out she's been struggling more than she's let on and I told her she didn't have to do that. Her debt compared to mine is nothing and she should focus on knocking it out. It was a tough conversation for her because she is so used to doing everything on her own. I know how that goes. But we're in this together. We put a good plan into place and hopefully things will be better. Today is admin day for me. Expense reports, emails, that sort of thing.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

ANA Y2 D337

I was so out of it yesterday. Even though I was home, I was a zombie. I managed to get things unpacked, laundry started, things done around the house, but it was tough. We went for k-pot for dinner because there was no way I was cooking. We had a good day overall because I was home.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

ANA Y2 D336

What a 24 hours. My students gave me SO MUCH stuff. Shirts, mugs, pens, another contract. Yep. I am awesome. I had a wonderful time with them. Felt so accepted and appreciated. Got back to the hotel, slept for a couple hours, then left around 7:30. Got home at 8:30 this morning. Yes, I have been up all night driving. I am burned out. Doing laundry and morning stuff but that's my excitement level for the day. More tomorrow after sleeping.

Friday, April 26, 2024

ANA Y2 D335

One month from another year! Woo! Still here, still kicking!

Yesterday was just so tiring. The second group is definitely more technically inclined and was able to comprehend the material so much better. It was still a lot of material and they did the best they could. I do miss the connection I make with people on site. Lunch really touched me yesterday. I ate with the group in their breakroom and for the first time felt accepted by a group of women who weren't already my friends if that makes sense. I was just one of the girls sitting at their table. Made me so happy. I know that sounds dumb but it's just nice to be seen as me. My voice was trashed by the end of the day and I couldn't blame anyone for misgendering me. I was slipping hard. But I got through it. Today is more casual and should be good.

I door dashed a nice paella for dinner last night. Crashed in the room. Just got to get through today, nap, pack, then head on home. By this time tomorrow I should be close to home. Now to pay bills. Whee.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

ANA Y2 D334

My second group is sharper than the first. Still have a wide variance in skill level but the group is better at helping each other and pulling each other up than the other. I think more people in this second group work together and are more apt to help each other. Regardless of the reason I got farther with them yesterday. I expect good things from them today. Almost done and ready to drive home. It's going to be a long drive again but this time I will be going home to my baby. We may end up with more work from this client as a result of me being onsite. I miss this for sure. I enjoy the interaction and face to face. I would be happy to start doing more as long as it's safe. That's always going to be the catch. It has to be safe.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

ANA Y2 D333

The days are starting to blend. I am ready to go home. But alas I have three more days. Yesterday was rough. We struggled to get through all the material. It's because of the class size (16) and the variance in their skill levels. Hoping this second group is a little more even. They did do something cool - the client gave me swag. They had mugs, notebooks, and shirts all made up for this group and training. I thought that was neat. Got back to hotel around 5:30, crashed at 9:30. Same shit different day.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

ANA Y2 D332

Day one complete. Yesterday was a little rough. Got called sir once. Sucked. But overall no issues. I hate my fucking voice. Or at least I hate how it doesn't match ME. Let's put it that way. The first group of 15 people was fine. Only a couple were a little slower than I would like. We got through most of what I wanted to on the first day. I got my first ever badge from a company in my real name. That helped make me feel good. Was there from 7:20 until 5, back in the hotel by 5:30. Relaxed, watched tv, talked to C, went to bed. Four more days to go.

Monday, April 22, 2024

ANA Y2 D331

Long drive yesterday. I was on the road at 1:20am and got to the hotel at 1:30pm. 12 hours. Would have been faster but that includes two stops for gas and two pee breaks. More importantly that includes the traffic I hit going through parts of NY and CT. I ended up through 7 states yesterday - OH, PA, NJ, NY, CT, and RI plus of course MI. It wasn't a hard drive and honestly the first 7 hours went by like a breeze. The last 5 with being in traffic were more of a challenge. But I got here, I got unpacked, and I ordered a pizza. Spent the night in the room and crashed at 9pm. I was up a long time and needed the sleep. Five days of teaching and back home we go.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

ANA Y2 D330

And I am off. Leaving here shortly. We had a good day yesterday. Spent the whole day together, cooking, cleaning, and just enjoying each other's company. We maximized every minute we could. I am going to miss her this week so much. Luckily I will be busy most of the day.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

ANA Y2 D329

Had a busy ass day followed by spending WAY too much money. Spent the day getting ready for my trip. Packing, cleaning, laundry. I got as much done as I could with the final stuff tonight. I will be loading up the car around 5pm, getting into bed at 7pm, up at 1, out the door by 2. So everything needs to be done and ready. 

Around 3 yesterday we went to meet with a lawyer who does free monthly consultation sessions. He agreed to potentially help us file the paperwork. I sent him details and am just waiting to hear back. After we went to a secret tiki bar and spent four hours. We didn't plan on spending that long but our friend who was supposed to meet us kept getting delayed. One thing after another. We didn't leave there unit 9pm almost from 4:30. Sadly drinks at $13-$15 a pop added up quick. Oh well. I had fun.

We got home and C passed out. I came to bed shortly after. Okay, let's get through today.

Friday, April 19, 2024

ANA Y2 D328

About a month to go and we start a new year. Woo. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit like a banana.

Getting ready for this trip. Made myself an extensive checklist of things to do and pack. Got some new pants last night so I don't feel like a sausage in front of these people. C got two new shirts. Also had my nails done. Good length and color this time. I am very functional. Today I have laundry, need to pack. We went to the grocery store at 8:30 last night and got snacks and things for C while I am gone. Had a good work meeting too. I have therapy today for the first time in four months. Let's see how that goes.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

ANA Y2 D327

I am the first to admit that I am old and don't always understand things. But the logic of some people is just so lost on me that I can't grasp how they think they are being helpful. Case in point - the shut down of major bridges and roadways the other day. In multiple states protestors shut down freeways and commuter areas in support of Palestine. Good cause? Of course. BUT who really suffered? Did anyone in the government suffer? Did anyone in Israel suffer? No. It was your average day to day worker who paid the price. I get where you think you're doing something good, but did you think of the repercussions of your actions? Did you think about the worker who you may have caused to lose their job? Think about that for a second. Someone who is an hour or two late for work. They are fired from their job because of that. Or maybe the surgeon you kept in traffic who was late to a life saving surgery. Your self righteous actions defending people on foreign soil had the wrong impact on people right at home. How does this solve anything? How does this help anything? What about someone dropping their kids at school? Or a nanny on her way to watch someone's kids? In your clouded judgement you caused more harm than good to your neighbors and friends. Nothing you did helped the people of Palestine. Nothing. My two cents.

Had another decent work day. Had meetings around upcoming training. 60k deal. Oh look, training is once again the cash cow for the company while everyone else flounders. Gee, I am so surprised. C worked a night shift so I worked in the basement. Got the back wall painted, the giant table moved in there, and got the backsplash done. I ran out of paint so when I get around to ordering the flooring, I will order another gallon of paint. Finish it all in one fell swoop. It's looking much better in there and I am happy. I need to do some more re-arranging, but it's almost done.

I am sore and achy from everything but feel accomplished. Today I am getting a manicure for my trip next week. Have to look presentable. Stopping at Old Navy to find some new clothes too. I am feeling fat and bloated and nothing fits. No food all week for me.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

ANA Y2 D326

I am sore this morning but for good reasons.Yesterday was a very productive day. I got a lot of actual work stuff done in prep for next week as well as taking over one more responsibility. I had a meeting that went well and in general felt satisfied with work for once. After, we went on a 4.7 mile walk. When we got back we started seeing that multiple people had begun the annual yardwork adventure and we decided to do ours. We mowed front and back, edged, and cleaned. Holy crap what a workout. But it felt good. Also I am glad we got it done yesterday as it is supposed to rain all day and night today. It was nice enough that we weren't dying but still warm enough we could get things done. It was very satisfying looking out the window last night and this morning. Hopefully I can sustain this feeling and momentum.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

ANA Y2 D325

The intrusive thoughts are very loud right now. Louder than the regular ones. Not good. Too much going on. One of my former cast mates died. C lost her insurance with no reason given. I have to get ready to go to RI. I am being asked to do too much. I can't take any more.

Monday, April 15, 2024

ANA Y2 D324

Nice day yesterday. It was really warm out, like high 70s. While C was at work I did some random stuff around the house. When she got home we went on another nice walk. Good couple of miles. Was nice being out in the sun and feeling it on my legs. Made moco loco for dinner. Watched some tv together. This week I need to wrap up a couple of things then prep for my trip. Hopefully it will be quiet except for that.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

ANA Y2 D323

Had a good saturday. The weather was nicer. Not 100% nice, but nicer. No rain at least. We got to go on a couple of walks, one at the park, and the other in the neighborhood. We had noodles for lunch. We did some stuff around the house. Had a nice roast for dinner. Today I am working on the basement more. But not going to push myself too hard. I need a break because soon I will be on my way to RI.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

ANA Y2 D322

Got my reservation for RI situated but I did learn some sad news. After many many years, I finally lost my diamond status at Hilton. This is depressing. I got very used to getting what I wanted but not any more. I have to earn it back now. Going to be hard, but we will see what I can do. Spent the day dealing with that, another customer, and some other minor stuff. Made fajitas with the leftover tinga for dinner. Finished Fallout. Definitely recommend watching. They did a great job on it. Went to bed around 10 and actually slept until 7:30. I needed it. Nothing planned for today thankfully.

Friday, April 12, 2024

ANA Y2 D321

Still fighting with reservations for RI. Bills paid. Watched 5 episodes of Fallout. A+, highly recommend. Have to go to store. Need food in house. Starting a roast for tomorrow at noon. Busy day ahead of me. Mentoring at 3. Exhausted as usual.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

ANA Y2 D320

The weather changed last night while we were sleeping. It's raining and it dropped like 10 degrees. Headache, can't breathe.

Spent yesterday fighting a client's travel department. They are making it hard for me to book the travel I need for RI. I am running out of time people. I need a room. Hopefully will get it resolved today. Worked in the laundry room. It's coming along. I really need flooring to call it done. I am doing more painting Sunday then will look into getting the floors. Am really happy with the progress so far. Made french bread pizzas when C got home. Paying for it with heartburn right now. Can't eat dinner at 9:30. I am too old for that shit. Oh well. Salmon burgers tonight.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

ANA Y2 D319

The weather was finally nice enough to wear light clothes AND to go for a walk! Needed both of those things for sure. Today is not quite as nice, but still decent. Had a good night's sleep as a result. All the windows open, fresh air, feeling good. 

Did work yesterday. Made our COO happy by turning something around at 4:30pm without question or hesitation. Made slow cooked chicken tinga for dinner. Watched some tv together. C fell asleep on the couch around 8:30 because we're still both severely sleep derived in general. Some day. Some day I will be able to sleep as long as I need.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

ANA Y2 D318

Yesterday the sun went away for a few minutes. Was it cool? Sort of? Was it anti-climatic? Yes. Maybe I am just old. It wasn't my first eclipse so I don't get the excitement. It was dark for all of 2 minutes. Otherwise it just looked like their was a filter on the sky. 

Did some work yesterday. Worked in the laundry room while C was at work. Waiting on a bunch of other work stuff. Have a headache this morning. Couldn't breathe most of the night.

Monday, April 8, 2024

ANA Y2 D317

Busy day yesterday. While C was at work, I cleaned. Specifically I cleaned and reorganized the laundry room. It was just getting out of hand down there. Things were piling up and needed some attention. Now I can paint it and put down some flooring. The whole room will look so much better when I am done you watch. I will make it a useful room finally. That took up a good chunk of my morning until she got home at 1. Then we went to the park for community day. During that time, my phone decided to take a shit on me. All of a sudden when it got heated up, green and white lines would appear all over the screen. Apparently this is something that happens to AMOLED screens. So yeah, when we got home I had to order a new phone. Not happy about that. But I was out of warranty and the cost of repair plus the downtime wasn't worth it. It was literally 70% of the cost of a new phone to repair it and I would be without a phone for a week. Nope. Not happening. So new phone will be here this week. We had fast food chicken for dinner, nothing exciting but not bad either. Came home, played games, and went to bed at 10. We were both exhausted as usual. Should have a quiet work week this week. Need to book my trip to RI though.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

ANA Y2 D316

Had a better day yesterday. We were up early for our hair appointment but that was okay. Since I have to go to Rhode Island soon, we had to strip the pink out of my hair. I ended up a very nice strawberry blonde. Both our stylist and C were blown away by how perfect the color came out. I was never worried. After the hair salon we ordered some lunch from wing stop which just opened near us. For dinner I made those steaks I bought. Pretty damn good for $4 steaks. Then we settled in for four hours and watched WRESTLEMANIA XL! WOO! The kid didn't get to go this year, but she did tell me that the minute you got off the plane in Philly her t-shirts are everywhere. That's hella cool. We texted back and forth all during the show. Sadly we both were up too late as a result because we also had some extra energy to burn after we got in bed. Oops. We were up until almost 2 and then back up at 5 for C to go to work. It happens. Today is day two of the show and a Community Day. Once C gets home from work we're headed out to the park.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

ANA Y2 D315

I almost quit yesterday. Twice. All due to the same annoying fucking person. It was a stressful work day. Didn't finish until 4:30 as a result. Made elk burgers for dinner. Hair appointment today.

Friday, April 5, 2024

ANA Y2 D314

I have to go to RI. In two weeks for an entire week. Not happy about it. But I will do it. I need a new job. I am so tired of this shit. Just tired in general. So done. When do I get my chance to relax? Never. That's when. I am just done with all this. Maybe what's on the other side isn't so bad.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

ANA Y2 D313

I forgot to turn the heat down when we went to bed last night. Woke up this morning dying. Poor humidifier was working its ass off all night. Of course it's annoying I have to have the heat on anyway in April, but that's another story.

I secured a meeting with a client today that could result in a 30k deal. If so, that's all me and would cover my butt for a couple of months where no one is bugging me. That meeting is at 11:30 today. Otherwise, just regular work stuff.

C had night shift again so I ate whatever in the house. We didn't go to bed until midnight because I like spending time with her. The entire time we've been together I think we've gone to bed separately twice. Makes me happy.

Weather sucks but what else is new.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

ANA Y2 D312

Day 3 of perpetually grey sky and rain. Some snow today. Whee. There used to be this thing called the sun. But never more...

I don't have a lot to say today. Made food. Did work. Same shit. Different day. I miss the pandemic. I miss a lot of things.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

ANA Y2 D311

If you thought March was bad, let me introduce you to April! Would you like some rain for three days straight? You got it! Not enough for you? How about after a couple of days of just pure clouds, MORE RAIN! But this time you'll get a bonus! Have some snow!! If you can survive to the middle of the month, maybe, just maybe, we might give you a day of sun. But no promises! Until then, here's some rain!

I wish I was exaggerating. Sadly, I am not. Welcome to Hell.

Spent the day doing more research work and then in the afternoon got my first internal assignment. I will be automating our contract process. Actually very interested in this. I am looking forward to making this work. C closed last night and our friend came over. I helped her with some analytics on her business. We uncovered some really cool stuff. Like who is the biggest tipper, that she's paid over $300 in credit card fees this year alone, her inventory management needs better handling, and some other fun things. We spent about 2 hours on her data and then had pizza. She brought us a gift of some new ice cream bowls. She saw them and thought of us. How sweet is that?

I ordered a small pizza for C so she had food when she got home. We watched some tv as she ate and then went to bed around 11. Not a bad day at all.

Monday, April 1, 2024

ANA Y2 D310

One more room in this house has been painted and claimed as my own. No more depressing purple grey color thank you. I got up with C yesterday and started in. I was painting by 6:30am. By the time she got home at 2:30, I had it all done and was letting it final dry. Around 3:30 I started hanging things and by 4:30, the room was fully reassembled. I worked my ass off yesterday getting it done. Very proud of everything I did in here. That was literally my whole day so not much else to talk about. I was by myself for most of the day just painting. Made us cheese steaks for dinner, watched some TV, went to bed. We both were exhausted last night. I was out minutes after hitting the pillow. Now for your viewing pleasure: