Friday, April 26, 2024

ANA Y2 D335

One month from another year! Woo! Still here, still kicking!

Yesterday was just so tiring. The second group is definitely more technically inclined and was able to comprehend the material so much better. It was still a lot of material and they did the best they could. I do miss the connection I make with people on site. Lunch really touched me yesterday. I ate with the group in their breakroom and for the first time felt accepted by a group of women who weren't already my friends if that makes sense. I was just one of the girls sitting at their table. Made me so happy. I know that sounds dumb but it's just nice to be seen as me. My voice was trashed by the end of the day and I couldn't blame anyone for misgendering me. I was slipping hard. But I got through it. Today is more casual and should be good.

I door dashed a nice paella for dinner last night. Crashed in the room. Just got to get through today, nap, pack, then head on home. By this time tomorrow I should be close to home. Now to pay bills. Whee.

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