Monday, September 30, 2024

ANA Y3 D125

Well, we had a much better night but that's because we caved in and let her sleep in bed with us. We were always going to let her sleep in bed, we've just been worried she's too small and won't stay asleep all night. She did just fine. She's still in bed right now even though she knows I am up. 

Had a boring day. C got home at 2. Went and ran some errands. While we were out C got some bad news. One of her cousins died. 19, suicide. She doesn't have all the details but he was in with a bad crowd - Republicans. No for real. He got caught up in the Jan 6th bullshit, found himself on a no fly list at 18, was heading down a horrible path. She doesn't know how to feel. He wasn't a good kid by any stretch but he also didn't need to die. She was in a weird headspace as a result and I totally understand.

Made little chickens for dinner, watched some tv, went on a walk. 

I teach this week. 9:30-5:30. I've missed it.

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