Wednesday, December 18, 2024

ANA Y3 D204

"Wake up, I'm horny."

1am. For the second time in my life, my partner has woken me up in the middle of the night wanting me. Think about that for a second. We've had plenty of intimacy this year. Not like that first year, but to be fair, I was trying to prove something that first year. But there's something primal and urgent about being wanted. Wanted to the point where they are asleep, wake up, and desire YOU. It adds another layer of closeness and passion. Makes me feel good. Makes me feel cared about and desired. That's important to the ego for sure. Needless to say, we had some early morning fun even with the dog on the bed and trying not to wake her.

Got another demo done yesterday. Two more to go and I am done. I should be able to get one more done this morning and start the framework on the last one. We went to the store after dinner (tacos) to pick up another gift for our friend we're seeing Friday night. C wanted to get him something directly from her. We got home, played games with our online friends, went to bed.

Three more days and I am done.

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