Friday, March 7, 2025

ANA Y3 D283

One person reached out to me yesterday regarding my post. But one is enough. One is enough to know someone is reading this and that I am not just screaming into the void. One is enough to tell me that someone cares, someone is listening to me, and I am not alone. To that one person, thank you. Thank you for being there for me 17 years from when we met. I am blessed and honored to have you in my life and to share my adventure with you. You mean the world to me and I hope you know that.

Spent the day taking IBM certification tests. One more to go. What should have been a quick thing turned into all day because of an issue on their side. Fun. Made chicken fajita tacos for dinner. Watched some tv. Went to bed.

Grocery store time, then I teach today in the afternoon. Finally it be the weekend.

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