Monday, September 11, 2017

Y9 D108

I decided to take advantage of the fact that I am not traveling or teaching and sleep in this morning. I am watching the news very carefully in anticipation that it clears up and I have to immediately get to the airport and on a flight to Florida. We're supposed to touch base today or tomorrow with them to get a status, but we shall see.

This goes hand in hand with a couple of things I read and experienced yesterday. Let's start with what I read:

- I read an article about how employers now in interviews are 'testing' people by texting them on like the Sunday after an interview or at 9 or 10pm after an interview and seeing how long they take to respond.

- I also saw a picture someone took of a post in their breakroom from Pizza Hut saying how they're expected to work up to 12 hours before the storm 'really hits' and if they've been evacuated how they have to be back at their store within 72 hours.

Then here's what happened last night:

- around 6:30 an email comes through as a reply all to something send Thursday which consisted of "Awesome thanks", followed by another one from a different person an hour later saying "looks good". So I replied "please remove me from this thread unless there's something important". Well the original sender replies "if you're going to the conference then it's ALL important". A note - there were 7 of us on the thread: 4 sales, 1 marketing, me, and my boss. I exploded on him like a double barrel. First off I didn't reply all, but I did tell him:

I am but:

1. It’s a month away. I have more pressing immediate emails I am waiting for.
2. I am only going to assist at the booth at like lunch times because I am going as an attendee not a booth person. So I can get all this info when I get onsite or as it gets closer.
3. It’s bloody Sunday at 9pm and this can wait
4. One line responses to emails sent to ALL at 9pm on a Sunday are a real poor way to do things

I am more than happy to be part of the conversation when it is something important but to hit REPLY ALL to say “Awesome” is not useful at all. Note I didn’t feel the need to reply all on this as an example. :)

That's a direct copy and paste of my response. I full expect to get my ass chewed out this morning but whatever. I am right.

The point of all this? First off, when I was younger and email was a new thing, there were guides and books passed around at companies to help people get used to this wacky new technology. One of the first things it taught was DO NOT USE REPLY ALL. Some questions like:

- does everyone need to see this
- does this information benefit everyones
- am I adding to the conversation

were basic things you asked before not only sending an email but especially when using reply all. Here we are 25-30 years later and everyone treats email like a fucking facebook response. Use some basic manners. Part of it is that all three of the responders to me on a Sunday were the sales people. EVERYTHING is important to them at all times. Fuck right off.

As for the other stuff, same thing. Fuck. Right. Off. You don't send me texts on a sunday to 'test' me. If you are wanting me to be available 24/7 for a fucking job where I am simply making money for some old rich white dude to be richer and whiter than his circle of evil, then go to hell. This mentality that we owe our souls to companies is pushing me to the edge. It's a damn joke. Enough is enough people.

End Rant.

As for me and B, we did some thrift store hunting yesterday. We are looking for a small table for the living room and we have this place here called the Garage Sale Warehouse. Imagine a flea market but indoors and stocked with regular folk stuff. It's fucking awesome. It's like going to 500 yard sales all at once. We didn't find a table but we did find a handheld Wheel of Fortune game. Plus there's a british store there that has the best crumpets. I wanted to do tea but it was too late in the afternoon.

We had Zoup for dinner, watched some TV, went to bed around 11. Today I am working on finishing up a new class and starting CBTs once my new microphone arrives. Pretty excited about that. And preparing for an ass chewing.

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