Monday, January 29, 2018

Y9 D248

I struggled to wake up this morning. I feel very off time wise. Sometimes I will wake up, look at y phone and not comprehend what time it is showing me. It's telling me it's 2:43am but I am not believing it. Then I will fall back to sleep and the alarm will go off at 3:45 and nope makes no sense. Time. What a concept. REALITY! What a concept.

We hung around the house for the most part yesterday. Anxiety was on high alert around here. B was going over everything with a fine tooth comb making sure everything was clean, organized, etc. I got snappy at one point because she would ask me to do something, I would sit down, and then she'd ask again. I explained that hey, not only have I cleaned twice in the past week, I worked a full week. So no, I don't want to wipe down the front of the stove for the third time in 6 days. Especially when the spot you see is amplified in your head and not as big or important as you think. I said all that nicely by the way. The message was received and she distracted herself with other stuff. Thank goodness.

We had a quiche and soup for dinner then around 6:30 headed out to the airport. Her friend arrived at 8 and we headed home around 8:30. Got home a little after 9. Then I had to rearrange my life. Sleeping in the office on an air mattress this week because it easier. All I want is a 3rd bedroom. Is that so much to ask?

TWENTY fucking Kaiser people today. Not happy about that. Going over the list now and once more I am afraid I will have some "how do I click" people. FML. 8:30-4:30 too. Ugh.

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