Thursday, March 15, 2018

Y9 D293

Bleh. That sums up how I feel this morning. I don't want to be dealing with anything. But these socal people are looming over my entire week. They have literally ruined this trip for me because every day I have been dealing with their shit. Yesterday it was having to call their tech support at 6 in the morning to get a password reset. This morning it's been sending emails already to try and get them to commit to desired changes. They have completely fucked up my schedule for next week. I can't wait until this training is delivered and done. Fuckers.

As for the group I am here for, they are wonderful. We had a great time in yesterday's session. It was the second group and even though it was a fully packed room, they were great. We got through everything, and we had fun. These people I like. I have one more day with them today and then we're done. A shame to leave them. I truly mean that.

After work yesterday I spent two hours at the spa. It was heavenly. I got a full body scrub down and mud wrap follwed by a deep hydration facial including blackhead extraction. So nice. I walked out of there feeling like a million bucks. I know that with the additional travel I have coming up (booked an April trip to Texas after breakfast yesterday) it will destroy my skin again soon enough, it will at least help for a while. It should act as a nice barrier against some of the damage. The spa was nice, the girls who performed the services were great. I did doze off a bit during my facial but whatever. It screwed up my clock a little but obviously I needed the rest.

Got back to the hotel around 7:30, ordered in, watched some tv, got pissed off about work, went to bed at 10:30. Why was I pissed off about work? In addition to the socal people, it seems that the company owners are pushing back on the whole raise thing again. Fine. Push back. See how that works out for you when I leave later this year. See how things go when I agree to work no more than 8 hours a day. See what happens when I start sending you invoices for excessive hours when traveling. I can play rough too kids.

Sigh. Need to check in for my flight.

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