Thursday, February 14, 2019

Y10 D264

Sorry, been doing some work already this morning and been distracted. Been up for like an hour dealing with some emails and stuff. I am working through some date issues on a file and needed to respond to those things first before anything else.

We have a new squirrel in the backyard whom we are affectionately calling "Super Chonk" because he is a big motherfucker. He is like three times the size of the other squirrels, black as night, and has no fear of the cats. He walks right up to the glass door daring them to mess with him. He's a big boy. He's out there right now shoving his head into the snow to find the food plate with no cares. I have to admit, he's a little scary.

Made it through class with only one moment of flickering. It caused me to drop the line on one of my machines, but the other held and I didn't lose the group. Whew. Class went the full time and finished around 4:45. It was a long, full day for sure. The group was good. A couple of duds, but otherwise no issues.

B went to bingo so when I was done with class she was already gone. I watched some TV, ate dinner, and waited for her to get home. Went to bed around 11.

Today I have to finish this class I am working on because otherwise I won't have time until the second week of March.

We should get our floors FINALLY finished tomorrow. This weekend we can work on putting that room together and be done with it thank goodness. I am getting tired of it. I need it cleaned and shit put away before I lose it.

That's about all that's going on right now. Excitement. Woo. The snow keeps coming like bad K-Tel hits. Let it come. I'll just stay inside until it melts.

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