Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Y11 D136

It's Wednesday. I think. Tuesday travel always throws me off. I get very confused as to what day it is once I land. It's the middle of the week already and I am unsure of what I am doing. Mentally that is.

I have been watching Elementary and it posits an interesting question to me. The premise that there is a world where people don't know who Sherlock Holmes is fascinates me. I mean think about it. AU worlds where fictional characters aren't in the collective mythos. Like Spiderman Into the Spiderverse. There's an infinite number of spider "men" and each one is different. Elementary states that in their universe Holmes is a real person of the modern 21st century, not some fictional character from the 19th. 20th? When did the books come out? In that unviverse is there a "James Bond"? Or a "Tyler Durden"? Is our universe the only one with fictional things like that? Man we getting too philosophical for a Wednesday morning.

My trip was okay. A long day for sure thanks to time changes. Leave at 3:30am to get in at 12:30pm. I did get to the airport too early. Normally my flights leave by 6 at the latest, but this one didn't leave until 7:30. I hit Phoenix at 9 (see? stupid time changes) and left again at 10:45. I had the perfect layover. 1 hour 15 minutes until boarding. Enough time to grab a snack in the admiral's club and charge devices. Once again I am glad I booked first direct. 20 names on the upgrade list. Have you noticed I don't bitch about being on the list any more? I have taken to booking first direct because the price isn't that bad for me. The worst was LA but I paid for that upgrade out of pocket. I couldn't take a 5+ hour flight in coach. Sorry.

Got to SFO at 12:30, got my rental car (Mazda CX-9). It's funny; this is one of those places where they apologize for giving you the SUV because of gas mileage and hippie dippie bullshit. I am like whatever. Give me the earth fucker.

Got groceries, checked in, had dinner, watched TV, went to bed around 9. Sleep was acceptable. B+. AC didn't bother me too much and the bed is a nice firmness.

So I am here for some internal training which means I don't have to rush and more importantly, I don't have to dress nice. T-shirt and jeans all week bitches. That I am looking forward too for sure. Tonight I am getting a new tattoo. Yep. I think this is number 20. I don't know. I will count later. But I am taking advantage of being near a good artist. 9 years ago she did my coffin on my right arm. One of the best pieces ever. I also get to see friends this week. One set tonight, another tomorrow.

Wow. I'm verbose this morning aren't I? Time changes. I am very "awake" already. Off to breakfast soon, then 9-5 in a room full of people I dislike. Good times.

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