Friday, October 11, 2019

Y11 D138

Not much to report on today. I spent all day yesterday in a room full of people. Learned more about the new tool. Meh. The stuff from Wednesday was much more interesting and useful. Yesterday the tool showed more weakness than strength in my opinion. Plus there's one person in the class who has one of those voices that just grates on my nerves. And yet my stupid company wants to have her lead classes. Dear god no. She's an awful human being. She's an old fucking lady who needs to just go and retire somewhere. Bye bye now. You're horrible.

Was supposed to have dinner with a friend but thanks to PG&E shutting power off everywhere, she got stuck in traffic for like 3 hours. We are going to try again tonight. Let's see how that goes. I ended up eating in the hotel. It was meh. It was food.

Went to bed around 9 partially because I was tired, but mostly because I was bored. Sad but true.

Go home in the morning. LONG day tomorrow. But first I have to get through one more day of stuff. I can do it. I hope.

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