Well this tells you what kind of day it is when you get the elusive second post in one day. I just want to make clear that these things I was rambling on about earlier weren't hyperbole or me being silly. Since the last post I have watched multiple videos, read multiple news stories, and read multiple personal posts from people already experiencing the wrath of today. In many cities, businesses last night boarded over their windows, took stock off shelves, added cameras. The "proud boys" have already issued statements that they will be "protesting" regardless of results. AKA, time to shoot minorities and women. On a personal note, a friend in Portland was awoken to the sound of a bullhorn telling protestors they are illegally gathered and will be shot at with chemicals and "non-lethal" rounds. A Starbucks in their apartment building had the windows shattered. And all of this is in the last 8 hours. It's not going to get any better as the day progresses, believe me.
I would also like for one (hopefully) last time reiterate that if YOU personally voted for the orange fuckwad, threw away your vote on a green candidate or similar, or chose not to vote, then you can sincerely and forever FUCK OFF. I don't want to hear from you, see you, talk to you, or have anything to do with you. Because in doing so you have told me you're okay with racism, violence, misogyny, hate, corruption, and a thousand other things that turn my stomach. But but but you say, I like his stance on immigration because "THEY'RE STEALIN' OUR JERBS!". Okay, Randy Redneck. First off, you're a fucking racist. Second, no one is "stealing" your job. Some Latino guy is not sneaking into a widget factory and going "Hola, I mean Hello! er, Howdy, yes Howdy! I am Will, Bill -- Billiam (yes is good USA Name!) and I am here for working! See this nice uniform I 'found' in locker room. Please here is my not so fake SSN. (Bwahaha, I have pulled fast one on stupid gringo!)" Not happening dumbass. What's happening is your corporate overlord decided building a factory IN Mexico where they can pay the locals 1/3 of what they pay you (if not less) and not paying US taxes was a better business strategy. Or if you're in my industry, they decided to hire some guy from India as a contractor because they don't have to pay his health insurance, pension, supplies, etc. When a project is over, they can kick him back and replace him with another guy from India at an even lower rate. But don't blame the person doing the work. They're paying their bills and feeding their families, just like you. Be mad at the corporation who put the almighty dollar ahead of the human life. Remember, it all fell to shit when they changed the name from "Personnel" to "Human Resources".
Well I don't care about jerbs you say, for me it's about TAXES! Okay shitfuck. If you're worried you'll pay more taxes, go look at your check you fucking moron. You probably already are. If not on your check, then you paid more in Federal at the end of the year. Trust me, you did. That money had to be made up somewhere you idiot. All those payroll tax breaks came due. You already paid it. And if you're worried about the "wealth tax", guess what? You're not going to make over $400,000 as an individual you fucking moron. If you are already, then why the fuck are you reading my blog?? I mean seriously. Don't you have better things to do like maybe go help some people? Or do you need another boat? Fuck you. Even at my BEST I never brought in more than $250k in a single year. If you're making over 400k a year, then seriously, fuck you. Just go fuck yourself hard. Because somewhere someone got exploited for you to make that. Now, I am not talking about the guy who got lucky with an IPO and got a one time good payout. That's a good for you moment. You hopefully earned it. I am talking about the person who year after year is getting a SALARY WITH BONUSES and is clocking away a half million or more per year. You are scum. "But what about actors and sports stars??" Fuck them. They shouldn't be getting those kind of salaries either. It's that disparity that's causing the shit outside your window. If they get that money, then they should be ready to be taxed on it and give back to the society that helped them get there in the first place. Not a complicated thought pattern. "Well maybe I will make 400k!" Yeah, no. Not anytime soon at least. Just stop. You work at fucking Arby's. Shut up and supersize me bitch.
There it is. My rant for Nov 3 2020. The day the music died.
And we were singing...
Bye bye miss American pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
And them good ol' boys were drinking whiskey and rye
Singing this'll be the day that I die.
This'll be the day that I die.
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