Friday, November 13, 2020

Y12 D171

 Another day another sinus pressure headache. Gosh living here is swell. 

Had a half day semi-private class yesterday. One guy was great. One guy not so much. But it was a fundamentals class and it was okay. Just made for a long 4 hours. He wasn't bad, just a little slower than I would have liked. By the end he was doing okay. He even gave me an idea on how to improve a demo with this questions. I liked that. 

B took one of the axies into the vet last night. Yes, she found a vet who handles 'exotic' pets. Had to drive 40 minutes for it, but was worth it. The big chonker needs some antibiotics for fungus. Cheaper than a cat visit.

Bill day today. Whee. Need to go spend thousands of dollars now. Being and adult sucks. Of course now you realize why adults around you were always so damn stressed out about everything. Not much else going on. Today is my DMV appointment. Need to read the book thoroughly in the next 4 hours. Make sure it's all in my noggin before heading out. I have every piece of paper they might want or need for identification. I am hoping this is the easiest DMV visit ever. We shall see.

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