Sunday, December 13, 2020

Y12 D201

 Finally, some sleeping in. Granted to some 6:30 doesn't sound like sleeping in, but seeing as I was up just after 4am yesterday, I'll take it. 

Was at the grocery store at 6am. Was home and done by 7:30. Only three of us in the store this week. Oh, that just reminded me of the dream I was having before I woke up. I was in a school in Cleveland for some reason, driving a school bus and I got freaked out because the person there wasn't wearing a mask and was standing too close to me. Lovely. My anxiety of people has dripped into my dreaming subconscious. How freaking wonderful. That's how much this shit worries me apparently. Last night we had to tell our friend she can't come over for Christmas. The last two years she has stayed the night and celebrated the morning with us. Not this year. You were positive human, you keep your distance. 

After groceries, played some video games, cleaned the house a bit, waited for B to awaken. Made pasta with meat sauce for dinner and then we watched a movie together before going off to bed. Well me at least. I am sure she was up until at least 3am.

I did have a bit of a breakdown yesterday listening to the "new" Chris Cornell album. It's a collection of covers he recorded before his death. Some of them just kind of hit me ya know? Definitely worth listening to if you like Cornell's voice.

Played C2077. Yes, it's too long a name for me to be typing the whole thing. Immediately got hit with the "little tree" glitch. But a quick update to my video driver fixed that. Played for about an hour and finally got to the title screen. Getting my money's worth by doing every quest and objective. Got to make it worthwhile. Probably invest another hour or two into it today. 

Going to finally do my hair today too. First some bleaching, then the color. Wish me luck.

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