Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Y12 D203

 Well, I was supposed to have a bit of a break on Wednesday but that is no longer happening. Unfortunately my coworker who was teaching then had a death in the family and now I have to take over their class. Not a horrible situation at the end of the day, it just means I will be working from 10-6 on Weds, then having to go right to bed so I can get up at 2:30am and be ready for a 4:30am class on Thursday. Four more days and I get a break. Just four more days.

Yesterday went okay. I had some tough questions thrown at me, but I muddled through. Nothing like googling a question in another window to sound like you know what you're talking about. It was a full class and will be 90% the same group today. A few add-ons but not so many it should be a problem. 

After class I ate and then helped B with some fish tank stuff. Next thing you know it's 9pm and I am done for the day. This is why I don't like 10-6. I don't feel like I get any time to relax. It's just one task after another. 

Still waiting for multiple packages to arrive. Some stuff should arrive today, but I have too many things that are just "unknown" right now and it's pissing me off. Thanks government for fucking up USPS earlier this year. They're still scrambling to get back on track and it shows. Two of the things out there are gifts for B which is really annoying. I have enough shit for me to open, I want her to have more stuff. We shall see what arrives today.

Dresser still scheduled to arrive on Wednesday. Now of course B has to be awake and take care of it because I won't be able to break. Good times.

Not much else going on. Just counting down.

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