Friday, October 1, 2021

Y13 D128

No time to dawdle this morning. Need to shower, pay bills, go to the grocery store, go to therapy, start class. I have a busy morning before a long day. What a great way to spend Friday.

Happy Spoopy 1st y'all.

I am finally starting to feel better. Only because after class last night I hauled ass to the urgent care. They close at 8 and stop accepting patients shortly there before. I got there around 7:10, waited, and got in about 7:20. They drained like a pound of ear wax from my right ear and oh what a surprise, sent me on my way with a scrip for antibiotic ear drops. Went to the CVS next door which was PACKED and $120 later, got my tiny vial of relief. Finally got home around 9. Fed the stupid cat, and shoved some leftover gnocchi in my face. Collapsed at 10pm. But at least I can fucking hear.

My sister is also doing better. Multiple shots to the head. What a pair we are. 

Watched Free Guy yesterday. It was okay. Second half of the movie was better than the first for me. It's worth watching. 

Okay last day with this group. Tonight I have to do feeds, start ribs, and just in general try to relax. Yeah. Good luck with that.

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