Saturday, December 18, 2021

Y13 D206

Yesterday was kind of rough. Not so much for me but for B. She tried talking to her doctor's office about changing meds, again, and the doctor was like oh I want to do some bloodwork first. THEN the bitch had the nerve to say "how does jan 14th look". WTF? A MONTH FROM NOW?? Are you fucking kidding me?? My wife can't get out of bed because of this shit, her heat is radiating from her and melting the cats, and you want her to wait a month for an appointment, a week for results, and two more weeks for things to kick in? My dude, no. After bawling on the phone with the doctor's office, she got in on Monday for an emergency appointment. Now I am going with her and I am going to bitch slap this doctor to get her on the right combo of drugs. Secondarily, she lost another family member to COVID and it's been triggering her because she has a half dozen friends who are straight up too lazy to go get vaxxed. She has had it with them and is about to kick them out of her life which would be emotionally devasting. So yeah, I was trying to have lunch with my buddy who is going through his own shit including a dementia riddled mother in law who is shitting in her own hands, while trying to get someone to babysit my wife because she is bawling her head off at me on the phone. There was a large block of time yesterday that sucked all oy energy completely out. 

"All the world's weight is on my back and I don't even know why"

That is how yesterday felt in a nutshell. I was so exhausted I ended up doing DoorDash for dinner and ate some pretty decent japanese food in my room. Food was good for sure. Just sitting in the room bummed me out but I didn't have the energy left to deal with driving anywhere. That was my day.

Today I am driving two hours to meet the kid. Hopefully it will be a relaxing day. Leaving in a couple of hours.

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