Saturday, August 10, 2024

ANA Y3 D74

Okay, I have to write this down first before I lose it:

In my dreams, I was at the Disneyland hotel with someone. I don't know who that person was, but they were friends with or hanging out with David Lynch. Lynch invited me back to this campus where he was doing some teaching to hang out. So I go with him where he's got this private room area and we're just talking. I tell him I need to use the restroom and when I look up, Jeff Goldblum is in the room with us too on a phone call. I exit back to the main campus area to find a restroom where there is some kerfuffle going on. Some 80s movie bad guy is dunking some other kid in a toilet. Yep. Like straight out of the plot of a bad 80s movie. On a balcony above us mostly obscured is some big fat man who looks like the protagonist in every said 80s movie. Explain that one. Oh and before I left the room, I told David when I get back I want to know how he got into fashion. Huh?? He answers me as I am walking away "hook and dodger". What the hell does that mean??

Welcome to my brain.

My back started acting up again last night and I made C switch chairs with me. Let's see if it makes a difference. One of my students/friends messaged me yesterday asking if I could tell our sales team to politely fuck off. She is not a decision maker but she is getting calls right and left from sales. She is in the middle of year end work, working until 9pm, and has no time to deal with their antics. Of course I told sales and marketing to leave her the fuck alone. Let's see the backlash on that one. 

Made chicken fajitas for dinner. Watched Evil. So close to being done with that show. I think we have five episodes left. Can't wait to see where this goes. They'd better wrap the story up in a way that makes sense. That's all I know.

Going to clean the house today and do some laundry. Whee! C works today and tomorrow which sucks ass. Next weekend we have a bunch of stuff going on including the Kristin Hayter concert. Next weekend will be fun. This weekend will be utilitarian. Oh well.

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