Sunday, September 30, 2012

Y4 D129

Just got up a little while ago. Doing much better than yesterday. I was very cranky yesterday because I had friends over Friday night and we stayed up until 1:30 drinking and playing Scrabble. Let me back up to Friday and Saturday in this post. Friday was good. I spent the day training again, essentially talking to myself. We started at 8 and wrapped up somewhere around 3:30. I then cleaned the house for a few hours. Nice thing is while I was cleaning some emails came through from folks in the class. Everyone was happy with how well the class went. That made me feel pretty good especially since my company is picking up the hotel next weekend at Disneyland as a thank you. My friends got there about 7 and we all hung out. I am copying movies over for them which was the primary reason they came over. I have 1.2 TB ready to go. I still have a few more discs of theirs to rip, but there was enough ready that we decided to start the process.

We went through an entire bottle of vodka between my friend and I. Her husband and the kid drank a half a bottle of rum. Lightweights. Regardless, I was not feeling the world when I woke up at 4:30 Saturday morning. I had to go get the stupid truck for the show last night and I had to do it early in order to have room for it. Got on the bike at 5am and rode down. Was back by sixish and promptly fell back to sleep on the couch. I ended up sleeping until 9. The kid had already left for work. I didn't really do much until she got home around 3. Then we went to target and some other errands. I needed some hangers as I want to clean up my closet. Have you priced hangers lately? I specifically want the clippy kind and fuck me. $4 for three hangers? Um hell no. People GIVE HANGERS AWAY and you want $4?? This turned into a snipe hunt to fund the cheapest hangers. Around 5 we went to a thrift store nearby and they had a huge BIN of hangers out near where they accept donations. I went up to the guy and was like 'hey do you mind if I take like 4 or 5 clippy hangers?'. He looked at me and I was worried he was going to say no or I needed to buy them. His response? Dude, take ALL of them if you want. SCORE. I got 29 clippy hangers FOR FREE. $4 for 3 hangers. Kiss my ass. FREE bitches. Snipe hunt success!

Got back home around six. Made grilled cheese sandwiches and roasted bell pepper and tomato soup for dinner. We then got ready for the show and headed into the city.

The kid was queasy and upset the whole ride up. Her boy toy supposedly had a date this last week and she was nervous he would bring the date to the show. She wasn't sure how she would feel about that. We got to the city and people started showing up including boy toy. They started talking and I see this look of victory come over her face. Later she tells me that the date fell through, he did nothing all week, and she dropped on HIM that SHE has a date Wednesday night. That's my girl. Suck it bitch!

I had a good show. Did music which meant I was in the booth for a good portion. Things went smooth. I didn't drink which was good. No major issues. All in all good time. Shitty part was having to drive the truck BACK at 3am. This is why I didn't get home until almost 4:30 and I feel like I have a cold coming on. I am going to take it easy today just in case.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Y4 D128

I shouldnt fucking be up at this time on a fucking saturday. goddammit. cranky. been up for 2 hours already. didn't go to fucking bed until 1:30. fuck. stupid fucking truck. fucking hate that fucking piece of shit. yesterday sucked. talked all day to myself. training in a fucking vacuum. cranky as fuck right now. friends came over last night. copied movies. going back to fucking sleep. fuck this shit.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Y4 D127

Before I go off on yesterday, a serious note. Depression is real people. Please don't discount how I am feeling right now. For those of you who know me personally, you know I have been diagnosed as bi-polar. This means I go through these periods of severe highs and severe lows. That doesn't mean I have 'good' days and 'bad' days. No, it means I have 'I AM KING OF THE WORLD' days and 'FUCK THIS I AM GOING TO JUST END IT' days. With little in between. Yes, it's a fucked up way to live. Yes, it makes it hard for my friends to understand. But my REAL friends do understand. They stand by me no matter what. They know that when I am at the low point of a down cycle the best thing to do is just make sure I am still around but otherwise leave me alone. Conversely when I am spiking high, make sure I am safe and stay out of the way. On both ends I am going to say and do things that will drive you nuts. You will hate me and love me. All I ask is that you're there for me. In whatever capacity you can handle.

The biggest question I get asked is why don't I take meds. I have tried medication before and all it did was turn me into a fucking zombie. I didn't even realize how numb I was getting while I was on them. But I felt NOTHING. I became another zombie. I did my job, I cleaned my house, I followed the rules. That was worse than having to survive through these episodes. And yes, I do mean survive. Because even on the highs, I can be prone to doing things others would think insane. You've read this blog, you've seen the mornings where I have woken up to find myself naked, broke, hungover, and not sure how I got home. That's only partially due to drugs and alcohol. It's also due to my brain shutting down when I spike. My base instincts take over and I have no restraints. I am pure impulse on those days. At the same time, when you see I have deleted all my facebook posts, or when I don't return texts, or phone calls, or want to hang out, it's me not you. Truly. I cannot take human interaction when I am at that point. But meds were worse. Maybe someone will find a cocktail that balances things out. Maybe someone will get me to the right dosage of things that will still allow me to feel as passionate about things as I do without having to go to the extremes. Maybe electroshock therapy is the answer. Reboot my brain as it were. Maybe I can learn to function like a normal person. Maybe. And maybe monkeys will fly out of my ass...

So no meds and wild personality swings. What's not to love, right?

Did my training yesterday. Part 2 today. 14 people. For the most part it went well. There's always one in every class that has to be trouble. It's even harder when it's done remote and I can't walk up to them and help them. But we got through it and everyone seems happy. Finished around 4:30. Starting today at 8, hopefully will finish around 3:30. After class kid and I went to the store for food. Had steaks and sweet potato fries for dinner. Watched some TV, played some Diablo, went to bed.

I did have a blast from the past last night. Stalker texted me. She is apparently alive and well. She has moved back closer to me. I may go see her just to make sure she truly is okay. If she is suffering from half the depression I am, I want to make sure she lives yet another day. If she is just looking for attention, well, I can give her that to some degree too. Not a big degree, but some. It's the human thing to do and I am trying to be human.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Y4 D126

The days just keep rolling along with no end in sight. Nothing ever changes nothing moves forward nothing goes back. Too damn philosophical for 6:15am.

I worked on and off yesterday. I had some stuff from one client but it was sporadic so I sat staring at the screen waiting all day. People are truly under this misguided thought that if you work from home it's a free for all and you can do what you want. It couldn't be farther from the truth. It's almost worse than being in an office because you never know when someone is going to need you and you end up sitting and waiting like an idiot all day.

Gave up around 4:30 when the kid came home. We went to the grocery store, the comic book shop, and well I guess that's it. I was thinking we did more, but nope.

Got back home and made milkshakes, ate leftover pizza, and watched X-Files. I played a little Epic Mickey, got frustrated at the controls, gave up and played Diablo. I remember now why I gave her the Wii. The controls annoy me to know end. They really do. Plus EM has 'save points' and I hate redoing shit. I don't mind if I can save anywhere and have to redo five minutes of stuff but having to redo 45 minutes? Nope. Buh-bye. Game off.

I am still working on all my ripping too by the way. I was doing one tv show yesterday and realized that it was incomplete. Then I found another incomplete one. Ugh. I managed to find one season on my own, but my buddy came through and found me the others I was missing. My OCD will not allow missing seasons. Annoying.

Oh, I know what else I did yesterday. Duh. I rearranged my work area again. You know how I am. When I am depressed I move furniture. Not much movement, but enough. I basically flipped the room around. There are a couple of things I am not happy with that I will change tonight, but otherwise it works. One of them is the lizard is too close to me right now and he smells. Yep. Lizards smell. Just a warning in case you're ever thinking about one. It's not so much him as the food. The food stinks.

Doing a training class today from home. Starts in 2 hours. Yay.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Y4 D125

I feel a little better today. I think it's because I had social interaction yesterday. Let's face facts - I am an extrovert. I need my energy from other people. It's one of the reasons why I do so well at things like my work yesterday. I was standing in front of a room of six people who were fully engaged in what I was saying, listening to everything, and genuinely paying attention. I get energy from this. While most of the time I appreciate the luxuries my job provides me in terms of working from home, non-standard hours, etc, I really do miss the interaction with other human beings. I hate people for the most part but I know I have to be around them to function. Irony is a cruel bitch.

Left the house around 6:30 because I knew traffic would suck if I left later. Downside is I sat in a parking lot for 45 minutes waiting until it was time to go inside. Met my client at 7:45 and we started the class at 9. I was there to 'mentor' them on how to move forward with their systems. We went until about 5:10. A solid full day. They did some hands on work, they got to ask everything in their question lists, and I generated future business opportunities for the company. All in all successful work day.

Personal life? Yeah, not so successful. I had been hoping to meet a friend after work, but she ended up having to pick someone up at the airport which killed our plans. Instead I sat in traffic for 90 minutes until I finally got home. I was so exhausted I ordered a pizza because I just didn't want to cook. Upside is I now have leftover pizza. Whee.

Played some Epic Mickey last night. Epic Mickey 2 came out yesterday but the kid and I both agreed we won't buy the new one until we have finished the old one. Trying to be somewhat responsible. I didn't get very far mostly because I was tired. I ended up going to bed before 10.

Today I am back home again. Tomorrow and Friday I am teaching a class but from the house. A remote session. I hate those because I spend all day talking to myself essentially.

Maybe something interesting will happen tonight. I don't know what happened to me. I used to have fun. I used to have adventures. I used to have friends...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Y4 D124

I am up early because I have to be onsite at a client today locally. Weird concept. It's been so long since I have been home and have had to leave the house. It's an all day mentoring gig for folks who needed someone local. I am okay with this, but at the same time I prefer nice scripted material. I hate walking into something blind. It puts me on the spot to deliver. I don't like that.

Spent the day yesterday waiting for my east coast client to send changes. That pissed me off because the bulk of them came later in the day and they were still asking for changes as of 9:30 last night. Have a little respect for people's personal time. Is that asking so much?

On a side note, I have been trying to be more factual and less emotional in these entries to avoid having people tell me I am whining or it will get better. But the truth is for the last week or so I have been back in a funk. A bad one too. I just feel like I will be alone forever. I know for some of you that's sounds like Nirvana but to me it's Hell. Pure and simple. I am slowly descending into Hell in my mind.

And maybe I deserve it.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Y4 D123

Hey! I don't have to get on a plane this morning! What a concept. I am actually HOME for a week. Maybe I will remember what it is like to not live in a hotel room. Speaking of that I checked my Hilton account yesterday and my nights were credited. I made it to the next level. If by some miracle (??) I can stay another 19 nights, I will get bumped up even one more. While part of me would like the honor, the other part of me doesn't want to spend 19 more nights in a hotel room. Technically I need 24 nights, but I know I already have five booked. Plus I will probably have 4 more with Disney trips before the end of the year so it really would be like 15 more nights. Scary.

Spent the day doing stuff around the house. Hung some new shelves for my Disney statues. Played some Diablo. Made turkey burgers with salad for dinner. Watched two episodes of Project Runway to get caught up. Still ripping DVDs. Almost done with all 8 seasons of one show.

Not a very exciting day, but it was a day.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Y4 D122

Fuzzy. I am very fuzzy this morning. I don't know how much I spent, what I might have said that will incriminate me at a later time, or how I got home. But hey, I am home! And my tongue is fuzzy. There's no one in my bed, wait let me check... nope, no one in my bed. No bodies anywhere. There is a phone book on the lawn which I sort of remember throwing insanely. I should clean that up. Am I wearing pants? Yep. Okay, so far so good. Drunken texts? Shit. Oh well. Last Saturday night. We got kicked out bars. Went skinny dipping in the park. Oh wait. I'm not Katy Perry...

SHIIIIT my head hurts.

I do remember 98.7% of everything that happened last night. It's that 1.3 that has me worried.

Starting at the beginning...

Got up. Went to IKEA with the kid to pick up shelves. Went to Target to get odds and ends for the house. We needed body wash, shampoo, etc. Went to the mall to get her schedule. Went to a baby shower. Started drinking at 3. Finished drinking at midnight. Yay me.

We went to a baby shower yesterday which was really fun despite it being a baby shower. That was followed immediately by a birthday party for someone in the same group of people. We essentially went from the house to the bar with no break in between. Both parties were really fun. There was cake and laughing and I don't think anyone got into a fight or was out of line. I was a little goofy at some point, but nothing too much. I DO remember singing back up to Love Shack at some point which will haunt me for the rest of my life. Thank god I was pretty drunk by then. The kid got some news. Her boy toy has a date next week. She was hit pretty hard by that but I think it's a good thing to be honest. If she won't pull the plug this might be the catalyst they both needed. It hurt her, but it will be okay. That is why we stopped for pie on the way home. Pie was very much needed.

Got home somewhere after midnight and passed out. I do need to make sure none of my drunken texts will cause problems but otherwise, I think I am in good shape. Broke. Tired. Hung over. But hey, what else is new?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Y4 D121

Long ass day yesterday. I did NOT get my upgrade either. Poop. I left for the airport at about 4:30 because I was bored. Seriously. I was tired of sitting around the hotel room. I got to the airport at 5 and that's a good thing because I almost killed myself. I couldn't figure out the entrance instructions and realized I was going the wrong way down a one way as I made it to the parking areas. Luckily it was nice and early and no one was coming the other direction. The flight from TN to Chicago wasn't horrible. I had both exit seats all to myself and stretched out. It was the Chicago home flight that sucked. I was 9th on the upgrade list when I showed up and I could tell right away I wasn't getting it. I ended up in the exit row, but in the middle between two very large, very sweaty old men. Ugh. 5 hours of that. Sucked balls.

Landed around 1:30 and my friend picked me up. She had just left the kid and she told me everything they discussed. It seems the kid was worried I wanted to kick her out and she is freaking out because she can't support herself living with me, let alone living by herself. She also is worried she has social anxiety disorder. Valid point. On the second one, not the first. I am not kicking her out any where. Anyway, I got home and we talked some more. She was a little upset I made my friend do the initial part but she realized why. Her and I were able to talk to without her crying because she got all her crying out at lunch. That was the main reason I wanted someone else to bring these things up. I knew if I did, it would turn into a tearfest and it would suck even worse. We talked about even more stuff such as I shouldn't be the focal point of her social network. My friend gave her a 'homework' assignment and I am going to push her to do it - text ONE person this week and see if they want to hang out. That's it. Just one person. I think that is a good start. To help prove the point, I told her I was going out. I shouldn't feel guilty that I want to go out even if she doesn't have any plans. But I also wasn't going to be a dick. I told her AND STUCK TO IT that I would only be out for a couple of hours. I went down to the bar at 3:30 and left about 5:30. I was a good boy. Had three drinks, spent $15, and came home. On the way home I got us tacos and quesadillas. We then attempted to watch TV but I was too floopy. Not drunk, just that the travel, the booze, the exhaustion, all hit at once. I was just goofy. We talked, we prepped for Halloween, I chatted with multiple people at once online. I was being a bit smart ass to some of them, but it was all fun.

Both of us ended up going to bed around 9. I needed the sleep. Woke up at 4:30 but said screw this and fell back until 7. Today is a baby shower followed by a birthday party. Whee.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Y4 D120

Oh yay, it's morning again. Whee.

At least I get to go home today. I get to be home for a while too which will be nice. Yesterday was better at work. Demos went smooth. We did determine that it was the client's network that was causing problems. They had an issue with the amount of traffic coming back into their system from a single IP address. That's why on Wednesday their servers kept refusing the connection and kept shutting down our servers. Douchebags. I took a hit for that on the class eval forms but there was nothing I could do. It was beyond my control. I am glad I am not at one of my other clients right now though. I have been watching the mail thread going back and forth and some serious shit as been going down. We work with another consulting group on that project and they fucked up a recent release. The comments from the client have been less than favorable to say the least. My client apparently liked me because when they went to lunch yesterday they brought me back food. I wasn't hungry because of the time difference, but I ate it for dinner. Even if they didn't like me they at least didn't want to see me starve which counts for something.

Got back to the hotel around 5, fell asleep for an hour, packed, finished a book, did basically nothing for 3 hours, went back to bed. Yay my life.

Going home now.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Y4 D119

Yesterday was a clusterfuck. I arrived on site at about 7:30 and met the client at 7:45. We got all setup in the room by 8:15 and everything seemed fine. About 10 my servers started going insane. We still don't know the root cause but it gave me nothing but grief. I wasn't able to finish the material on schedule, I had to let the class out early, and had to stand in front of the class being embarrassed about how it made us look. Very stressful. Here's hoping today is better.

After work I hung out with two of the people from class. They are good folk. We had some drinks at the hotel bar, then headed over to a decent restaurant where we shared a bottle of prossecco. The food was better than the previous night. A little pricier, but good food. Tonight I think I am going to get like a sandwich to go as I need to be in bed early for my flight tomorrow.

Got back to the hotel around 9 something. Talked online for a little while with some friends and then was in bed by 11.

I want to go home.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Y4 D118

Back on the road. Got up at 3 yesterday, left for the airport at 4, hit Dallas around noon, got to Tennessee around 6. Flights were mostly uneventful. Got a nice new shiny red mustang as a rental car this week. Found the hotel without too much trouble. I then decided to head towards the client to get a feel for where they are. While I was standing in front of their nine hundred buildings I called my contact and asked for some clarification on which building etc and she was like 'oh is that you on the corner? We are on the shuttle bus heading downtown for dinner, come join us.' Ugh. I wasn't dressed for meeting people but I couldn't really say no either. We met at a small bar/grill. The food was okay. Nothing exciting. None of us were really happy with it. There were three of them plus me. I had shrimp and grits plus a side of deviled eggs. It was mediocre. I wouldn't go there again that's for sure. I apologized for my dress, but they all seemed okay with it. Got back to the hotel around 9, chatted online with friends and the kid for a little while. She was in her mopey I am bored, I have no friends state of mind. This is why I have a hard time with her. I want my friend to talk to her, but I don't want it to be major drama either. I sent my friend a message last night saying she needs to take a soft approach and that we would talk about that today. Was in bed by 11. SG texted me sometime in the night asking how Disneyland was. I will reply when I feel like it. Off to breakfast. This is my 'gold' stay by the way. When I finish these three nights, I will be gold at Hilton. I am still 11,000 miles short, but will pick up another 2500 on Friday. That drops me to 9.5 with 5 more coming in October. I can do this...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Y4 D117

Early morning. Off to the airport in 40 minutes. Time to go to TN. Whee.

Worked a little yesterday. Hit the mall for some stuff for Halloween. Took a friend out for sushi for her birthday. Went to bed.

The most significant thing that happened yesterday was I had a LONG talk with a friend about the kid issue. She invited herself to dinner last night which was the last straw for me. On Friday while I am gone they are going out to lunch and my friend is going to discuss things with her. That she needs friends her own age, that she needs to get more involved with stuff socially, that she can't spend as much time with me, etc. I am scared to see how that goes. I have a feeling it's going to be a tense weekend. But in the long run I think it will be the catalyst that's needed to push the kid forward. She needs to break the apron strings and start living her own life. She can't use me as her social crutch forever. She is almost 20 years old. Damn. I was about to get MARRIED at her age. I was working, going to school, staying out late, and here she is sitting at home going out with Dad for sushi. Nope time for it to change. This is going to hurt both of us, but...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Y4 D116

Made it home yesterday in record time. I got the kid up early because I knew we both would have stuff to do yesterday and being too far from home was not one of them. We were on the road by 5. Nice drive home. No traffic, the weather hadn't climbed to unbearable levels yet, and we were both awake. I should mention that all weekend the weather was hotter than hell. While we bitch and moan about how cold it is at home, some days I would rather have that than the 102+ we lived through over the weekend. It was just H. O. T. all weekend on us. Luckily we left early enough that it was essentially 68-72 the whole drive and we got home to 73. Perfect.

We made it home in five hours and thirty eight minutes. I wasn't speeding or driving crazy either. It was just nice and empty still.

On the way home we stopped and ran a couple of errands to get things out of the way. We both knew once we got home that would be it. Neither of us would be leaving again until we had to go somewhere important. We stopped at the Halloween store. I got my costume for the 5th. I will be going to the park as Snow White. I got a real licensed costume too, not one of these horrible knockoffs. One of my shorter friends - no there is no other nice way to say that - is going to go as one of my dwarves. He hasn't decided which one yet, but he promised he would be a dwarf for me. This is going to be insane. I can't wait three more weeks.

Got home a little after noon and we unpacked. Both of us were exhausted and we napped for a while. I slept from 1:30 - 3 and she slept until 5. Since she had to work at 7, she made herself some dinner and then headed out. I wasn't hungry and ended up not eating last night. I had enough food the last few days that it's okay.

I updated my pin board with new pins brought home. I have a problem. I am now up to 908 pins. I know. I am so almost out of room it's not even funny. I have decided that at 1000 I will start a new board. A thousand per board until I reach 10,000 then I will give up. Just to have 5 digits worth will be astounding.

Went to bed around 10. I have dinner plans tonight with a friend for her birthday and to give her gifts from the park. No one has sent me any work plans yet today and I am not going to be eager for them as I leave tomorrow for TN. I could use today as a light day. Time to take the kid to the train...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Y4 D115

Had a great Saturday. We woke up at our leisure and went back to DCA. It was hot again - 102 - 104 roughly. But we still managed to ride Tower of Terror, see the new Frankenweenie preview, the Silly Swings, Screamin', the Jellyfish, Goofy, and more that can't I remember. We were in the park ALL day. We saw the Aladin show at 4:45 and then afterwards went back to the main park until about 8. At 8 we went back to the hotel, got into our beds and watched the fireworks from the hotel room. THIS was the view I had been promised last time. Fireworks in bed. Bam. Lights out at 10. A fun fun day. I can't wait until the 5th to do it again.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Y4 D114

24 hours of non-stop fun. Seriously. We left right around midnight, put gas in the car, and headed down to the park. As I mentioned yesterday we made it in record time - 5 hours and 45 minutes. Which of course meant we had like 3 hours to kill until the park opened. Our first stop was Denny's where the kid had a huge blueberry pancake mess. I had a heart smart omelette. Not because I was trying to be healthy, but more because I wanted the protein instead of carbs. I knew yesterday was going to be a long day and I didn't want to get sluggish early.

Around 7 we parked in the hotel lot and walked over to the park. From there it was happy glorious idiot time. We rode a few rides, shopped, went on a little hat hunt - I now have EVERY SINGLE little hat thank you very much (which caused a rift between a friend and me. More on this in a moment) - and we just enjoyed ourselves. Around 3 we headed to the hotel to check in and then crashed until 6. We then headed back to the park for dinner.

And what a dinner it was. We ate at the new Carthay Circle in DCA. Holy fucking shit. I have had the pleasure of eating at 33 and I would say this is better. Hands down better. We had an incredible two hour dinner, a back room all to ourselves, and made new cast member acquaintances including the executive chef.  The food? Well...

- Grape leaves stuffed with chemel on tomatoes
- Watermelon salad
- Quail in peaches stuffed with peaches
- Udon
- Monte cristo banana split
- Peaches with sorbet and frozen rose petals
- Chef created for us - hushpuppies with bacon and jalapeno stuffed with gravy

Yeah. And the best part? 150 with tip. Plus I had at least 4 if not five drinks. Our dinner also included reserved seating for World of Color. We were right on the water. The kid has never seen it and the look on her face was priceless. I thought she was going to squee overload. When WoC was over we went back to the main park just to wander and hang out. You can tell the real Disney people because at 11 we are going IN not OUT of the park.

Speaking of that...

I posted some pics yesterday while we were in the park. Some of my new little hats. I know that everyone doesn't get Disney or Disney stuff, but you don't have to be rude about it. One person called me 'a slave to the capitalistic machine'. Really? I retorted with what about all the hippies sucking up gluten free crap? That's not to make money? Or sports crap that people buy. That's not for money? Leave me the fuck alone. I like my Disney stuff and I am not hurting anyone. Disney is one of the few companies who puts its money where its mouth is in its hiring practices, employee benefits, and community contributions. Without Disney there would be no Anaheim. THOUSANDS of people rely on Disney for their life. I don't know of a single cast member who hasn't enjoyed working for the company. People tend to stay for life. It's a lifestyle, not a J.O.B. So fuck off if you don't like my love of it. And don't get pissed when I criticize your thousand dollar playoff tickets. Or your thousand dollar weekend chakra cleansing retreat. We all have our laughing places and mine just happens to be here. Bite. Me.

Back to the park so I can smile...

Friday, September 14, 2012

Y4 D113

Told ya it would be a late post. Still not too bad.

Yesterday was uneventful. Worked. Tried to sleep. Did laundry. Tried to sleep. Ended up sleeping like three hours from 5 - 11 before we left. Left at midnight and rolled in at 5:45. A new record. That's all for yesterday. Tomorrow will be more fun...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Y4 D112

Another oh so not exciting day. The kid had a day off from school and work yesterday so that made it a little more exciting. Sigh, no not really. What it did mean is I actually ate both lunch and dinner because she was home. When she is home during the day I end up making food for her and me both. Yesterday I made salmon burgers for lunch. I also went to the grocery store to make sure she had food while I am gone next week. Got my next trip too - 10/14 - 10/20 I am in IL. I will hit the hotel at the next level but still be 3,000 miles short on American. Dammit. So close I can taste it. Why am I chasing this? Because odds are I will travel at least as much as I did this year and I am going to enjoy it when I do. Upgrades. Better seats. Early booking times. Yeah, I want the perks goddammit. The hotel will be the best part because I will start getting double points. That means one stay will actually get me enough for a Disneyland weekend.

Speaking of that I will be back in the park in 24 hours. Sucking on a mint julep and eating a candy apple. Yeah, I know. But I am HAPPY when I am there. This time I am going with the kid so there is no pressure to *do* anything but be in the park. To bounce between DCA and Disneyland. Just boing a boing a boing... Collect pins. Eat. People watch.

I did renew my annual pass yesterday. While it went up to $629, I will actually end up paying less. How you ask? Because I won't be paying for XTGF's any more. I have been paying the monthly charge for hers too. So I have been paying $71 for two passes. I will now only pay the $52 for mine. I am saving $20 a month and still get my pass. Boom. You can see how exciting yesterday was if this is the stuff I am discussing.

Worked on client stuff on and off. I have probably *just* enough to get me through today. Here's hoping while not caring. I am going to bed at 4pm to make sure I get enough sleep before driving.

We took a break to go to the comic book store as Wednesday is new issue day. We figure only 10 or more to go before Before Watchmen is complete and we have the whole series.

For dinner I made us chicken burritos and we watched X-Files followed by Diablo. By the way, the new printer we got? Awesome. The kid has been using it for homework and I printed out some stuff for this trip and wow. Nice. I am very happy.

Oh it looks like I am hanging out with a friend on Sunday after I get back home from the park. We have been friends for a while and she needs some help shopping and well I would be remiss if I didn't do my part to help. Darn if I have to spend many hours with her by ourselves. Cest la vie.

That's about it. Going to start laundry in a little while, do some work, and get ready to tomorrow. Late post tomorrow as I will be driving then in the park. Probably around 4pm.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Y4 D111

I am worried about my dumb cat. She is getting older and is showing more. She is limping, sleeping more, and getting forgetful. She stares at her bowl right after eating forgetting there was just food in it. I love my stupid cat and don't want her to go away yet.

Boring day yesterday. Worked on more bug fixes. It's all just time filler until the weekend. Today and tomorrow are all I have left then I go to my Laughing Place. The place where I can be a big dork and no one cares. The place where I can be a goofball and an idiot without having to worry. Almost there. Just a little more. 47 hours. I can do it.

Stayed inside most of the day. Booked my next trip - Chattanooga TN. Two day class, four day trip. This trip will push me over the edge for Hilton finally. I will also be 8,000 miles away on American. I will hit Platinum on American dammit. Ran some errands when the kid got home with my car. Had chinese food for dinner. Played Diablo. Chatted with a friend. Sent SG a 'hello' message with no response. I guess summer is officially over? That's it. That was my day.

Today? More of the same.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Y4 D110

I haz a sleepy. A serious sleepy. I went to be around 11 and didn't do anything exciting yesterday but for some reason I am like out of it right now. I worked yesterday on some minor stuff. Basically busy work since I am only home for a few days this week before I run off again. It looks like I will spend next week in Knoxville. Only 4 days, but it's enough to keep me busy. Hopefully. I stayed up working until about 9:30 last night because they wanted to do a push, but that also means it's less for me to work on today which could be an issue. It's an issue because I don't have billable work right now which is always a red flag. I NEED to keep on the books and be a good boy. But it's a minor issue. I can handle it. I have already sent off the right messages covering my buttocks.

Other than that, didn't do much. Got home at 8:30 yesterday morning from my wild sunday. Actually crossed paths with the kid at the station which was amusing. I was planning on walking home but the timing was perfect. I was able to take the car home.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Y4 D109

AWESOME SUNDAY! (Minor drama not withstanding).

Here's the high level summary:

Take train into city. Meet friends and her friends at bar. Gin. Gin. Sports. Gin. Cheer because I am told to. Gin. Sports. Hot girl! Gin. Small talk. Ask out. Acceptance! Gin. Sports. Cheer. Bill. GIN! Walking. Vodka. Vodka. Vodka. PIZZA!! Vodka. BOOBS! Vodka. Vodka. Couch. Yay.

How's that for a Sunday? I really can't sum it up any better than that. I had fun with my friend. Spent like $60. Met a nice girl who is age appropriate. Finding out from my friend who works with her if she is really interested. Hopefully she is. Really had fun hanging out with different people than cast folks. It's always nice to know I can have/make friends outside of cast. Reassures me that I am not a complete and utter loser. Plus I had some adult time away from the kid. She needs to learn how to function on her own too.

And now the drama... Saturday night as we were leaving the show one of my castmates grumbled to me about the meeting we had. I thought he was just venting and grumping as we all do. Well he ended up resigning from cast at 5am. Of course my directors called me to see what I knew. For once I was point blank honest. I actually knew nothing. I was as surprised as they were. This was around 8. She calls me later and tells me that supposedly there was talk about their kid at the party on Friday. Once again I was able to be honest and say I had no knowledge of this. I really didn't. I really was not involved in those conversations. Felt good to be able to be honest and out of the loop for once. I don't know the aftermath of everything, but I am sure I will hear about it today.

Time to work. And clear this hangover...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Y4 D108

I had a really good day yesterday. I laughed and played and just had fun with life. I guess this means I am on an upswing?

The kid and I went out around noon to run errands and get some stuff done. We went to Red Robin for lunch where I had a salad and mud pie at the same time. Why? Because I could. Then we went to Target to get some stuff for the house. The whole time we were both feeling good laughing and joking about nothing in particular. Stopped at the comic book store, then the mall. I got a new hoodie which with her discount ended up being really cheap. It is so soft too! After the mall we came back home and relaxed until it was showtime. It was our early show last night and we left around 7.

Drove two friends to the show which was fun because we all chit chatted on the way there. Everyone in good spirits.

With the exception of two physical injuries - a bolt through my left foot and stairs slamming into my right leg - the show itself was good. I am in a little pain this morning and need to deal with some the injuries but I will survive.

After the show was a different story. Our director went to tell everyone about some potentially bad news because Fox is changing how it licenses it films which could impact where we can do shows. I knew about this the other day but refrained from some anything even here because she didn't want anyone knowing until there were more details. What Fox is doing is stopping shipping and printing of any old film style versions of all their movies. If you don't have a digital projector, no movies for you. Also they are cracking down on theaters that use DVD or Bluray to show movies because they don't get as much a cut. For us that means we may potentially lose one theater. Our other theaters should be fine. This wasn't the bad part. It was after telling us this that she went off on a 30 minute tirade of everyone who is stabbing her in the back, not being a family, etc. One part that got me was that she once again accused us all of having cliques but then ten seconds later described how it's a privilege to be in her inner circle. Um isn't that a clique too? Regardless her rant caused one of our members to quit at 5am.

I am curious to see how this plays out today. I am off to the city to hang out with a friend. I don't know how long I will last because she is a football person and that's all they plan on doing today. I haven't seen her so I am going to say hi, but I probably won't stick around long.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Y4 D107

Dammit, there's still glass in my foot. And I have no idea what time I got home last night. There were gays on my couches when I woke up. I also have no idea where my pants are. All in all? Successful evening I would say. How the fuck did I get home?? What route did I take? Ugh. Too many questions without answer right now. Wait... okay no bad texts and no bad emails. Good.

Started the day off at 4am est with going to the airport. Managed to fill up the rental car using one of my cards I don't like to use. But it took care of the problem of being cashless and cardless. For 12 hours of yesterday not much happened because I was traveling. I could go into detail of my flights if you want - MDT to CHI, 4a, watched Charmed. Got to CHI and sat in the Admiral's club. Chi to home, 15f, exit window, slept. There. That was the majority of my day.

Got home around 2pm PST and my friend picked me up. He also dropped me off at the bank where I got a temporary card and some cash for the weekend. I then went to the mall and took my car from the kid. Got home and my new CAH deck was there as well as my new Firefly t-shirt and the Smashing Pumpkins tickets. SCORE. Happy boy.

Around 7 we went over to a friend's house and started drinking and playing CAH. That's it. Nothing weird or strange. I was in a safe zone. Oh there was one moment when the cops knocked on the door because one of the guys passed out on the lawn and they wanted to know if he belonged to us. That was amusing. Mostly because it wasn't me getting into trouble. SG came up as a topic of discussion because one of her close friends was at the party and she kept apologizing to me about her behavior. That felt good actually. At least it helped to validate some of my feelings of being used.

Tonight is a show. Today is errands. You know what? I am pretty happy this morning.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Y4 D106

I am NOT in a good mood this morning. I dealt with a fucked up situation last night from about 8pm until midnight.

Apparently at some point on this trip my debit card got skimmed. I found out because last night I tried to pay for my dinner and it was declined. Originally I thought it was because I was on the road as this has happened before. I called the bank and they started asking me all these questions including how I made it from PA to Compton CA to Chicago IL all in one day. Excuse the fuck out of me??

Seems that someone tried to use my card in Compton and Chicago while I was here. Nice. And these were actual hard card purchases not online which is what flagged my account. This meant that I had to shut off that card. Unfortunately I still had dinner to pay for, incidentals at the hotel, and I have to deal with a rental car this morning. I am cashless, cardless, and fucked until I can get into a bank. Aaaaand I leave for the airport in 45 minutes.

Fuck fuck fuck.

How am I going to handle this? I don't know. What I am going to try doing is take the $9 a gallon hit on gas at Avis and not eat until I get home. No other choice really. Time to go try and deal. Fuck.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Y4 D105

Why is today's post 'late'? Because I had a rough time this morning. And by late, I mean in comparison to when I woke up. I know it's only 8:15 at home, but it's 11:15 here. Why did I have a rough morning? Nightmares.

I went to bed around 9:45 and must have fell asleep hard and fast because when I woke up it was only 10:50 and I was in a cold sweat. My nightmare included my director, my ex-wife, the kid, dead people, and places that should be dead to me. It had sex, violence, yelling, anger, and evil. It was a bad scene man. The shitty part is that it so freaked me out, I couldn't fall back to sleep until 2. I then slept through all my alarms and woke up at 6:20. I had to scramble to get to the office by 7:30. Not a good way to start the day.

Yesterday in itself was not bad. Another day of training from 7:30 - 4:30. Went back to the hotel, changed, ironed, etc and then headed to a Bob Evans for dinner. I love going to these distinctly local kind of places. They are so corn-pone hokey that it amuses the shit out of me. I had chicken fried steak with buttermilk biscuits.

Got back to the hotel around 8, read a while, and then the above all went down.

I am sitting on some weird thoughts in my head. I need to see how things play out over the next few days before I elaborate...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Y4 D104

One day down, two to go. I slept a lot last night. Nothing else to do. Stuck on the east coast in a boring town. 

Day one of training was interesting. It is supposed to be a blended class of formal training and mentoring. We barely made it through the start of the formal material. These guys have so many issues going on with their systems that we spent the whole day dealing with fires and problems. I am hoping today we can get back on track and do the formal material. Depends on if there is another production issue or not during the class.

The fucked up part right now is they issued me a badge yesterday and I don't seem to be able to find it. I hope they don't charge me for it. Worse, I have to wait now this morning for someone to let me in. That part sucks. I am going to double check the car, but I don't think it is in there.

After class I wandered to the mall next door. Very boring. Was completely dead. That killed all of 20 minutes. I then went and had some ribs for dinner with a decent glass of wine. Came back to the hotel, tried to play Diablo, and went to bed. I say tried because the internet connection is pathetic at best. Why do these hotels have such shitty internet?? It's annoying. Yeah yeah, I know first world problems.

Nothing else going on. I am not severely depressed this week, yet. I am not happy right now because I am just feeling like I am in a funk with things, but I am not depressed either which is good. I am just kind of here. Tonight I might go to a movie just to alleviate the boredom. I am still waiting on confirmation for my next two trips which I am hoping will happen today. I also just got word of a 5 day gig in IL next month. That may screw up some personal plans, but work is work.

Time to shower.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Y4 D103

I didn't mean to get that drunk last night. It just kind of happened. I think it was the come down from a long day of travel on a holiday. I hadn't eaten all day and the first couple of drinks went right down. I am in PA right now. This time I warned friends first so they don't text me and expect an answer right away. I warned them I am three hours ahead this week.

Got to the airport around 4:30, boarded at 5:30, fell asleep until almost Chicago. I managed to sleep pretty much the entire flight which was nice. I was in an exit row and stretched out. Had about 90 minutes until my next flight. Hung out in the club charging devices and started to watch Cars.

I am watching it because of the conversation I had a few weeks ago with my friend about it. I managed to get 45 minutes into it and meh. My initial feelings stand. It's too redneck for me. It's a NASCAR movie and I don't like NASCAR. Plus the majority of the actors doing the voices I do not like. I think that has a lot to do with it too. Plus the notion of cars being alive like they are doesn't work for me. But I tried.

Got to PA, got my car (a 2013 Ford Explorer with less than 100 miles on it), and found the hotel. I was a little confused about where the client is located though. I had to drive around a bit. See they have a main campus in one part of town. When I put in their name and address into google, it takes me to the main location. When I just put in the address, I go to the other side of town. I had to clarify that with the client. Luckily he was checking email last night.

When I got back from finding the client, I hit the restaurant next to the hotel. Nothing fancy. A Ruby Tuesday which I haven't been to in years. I don't even know if any exist in my part of the world anymore. Think Friday's, Bennigans, etc. I sat at the bar and had a burger. I ended up in this long discussion with a truck driver as he was getting drunk at the same pace as me. Really nice black guy fram Arkansas. I only mention he was black because him and I were discussing socio/racial/economic things and it was interesting for both of us to hear the side of a spoiled white kid from CA as compared to a baptist black kid from the south. We totally enjoyed each other's company and parted ways around 8.

Got back to the hotel and sent some drunken texts and fb messages. No damage done outside the norm. Passed out around 10:30. I am paying for it a little bit today, but I still have an hour before I have to leave and I think I will be fine by then. Time to put on the smiley face...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Y4 D102

As we start another week of me being on the road, I hereby on Monday at 3:17am promise to try and not go off the deep end of despair the rest of the week. I will try my best to keep my head and shoulders about me. I make no promises of course, but at least if I go into the week eyes wide shut...

Did ABSOLUTELY nothing yesterday. Seriously. I took TWO naps and slept for a total of five hours during the day. Played Diablo - finally killed him with one of my two mains. The monk by the way. I am now going through in nightmare mode with the monk and will hopefully this week go through with my barbarian and finish with her. I may also start one of the other character classes in normal mode. I have created all of them but not really done anything with the others. Was a stupid victory and achievement for the day, but so?

I thought about the fact that I should be out 'doing things', but what? Who wants to go anywhere alone? Who wants to be a fifth wheel? The damn kid had my car all day anyway. Yes, I could have walked but...

I could have met my friend in the city for shopping, but...


It's what dreams and nightmares are made of...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Y4 D101

WILD night last night at the show. It was a special 'Disco' themed show and I delivered in spades. During the day not much happened. I packed for my trip tomorrow, cleaned the house, watched some TV and hung out. The kid and I ran a couple of errands. Dropped movies off with a friend that I had borrowed, found a really ugly afro wig to wear to the show, and that's pretty much it. It wasn't until later that the fun started.

I drove a few people to the show so they came over earlier in the evening like around 7. We all sat around talking and being goofy until almost 10 when we headed out. Everyone who dressed up looked great. I did the music last night and had some great classics as well as some bad bad stuff all queued up and ready to go.

We got into the theater at 10:30 well ahead of schedule and by 11 had everything ready to go which gave us an hour to play with the audience.

I won't lie - I had some self loathing moments last night where I felt old and lonely, but they were momentary thank goodness. It's still bouncing around the back of my head, but I will manage. I have to right?

The show went well. No major mishaps, nothing exploded. After the show like 15 of us went to our regular after show diner and one of our friends had Cards Against Humanity with her. Out it came. We stayed there for over an hour playing. We even roped in a couple of girls who had been at the show from another table. That was a load of fun. A couple of people had never played which led to some great looks of confusion.

Got home around 5. I tried to stay awake until six to check in for my flight tomorrow but couldn't do it. I managed to check in at 7 but there seems to be a problem with my boarding pass for my second flight. I need to print out my receipt today to make sure I have it with me. Luckily I have my first flight which means I can pop into the Admiral's Club in Chicago to get my second boarding pass. I have a two hour layover in Chicago and will have plenty of time to get my pass. I may not get the seat I want, but whatever. It's a hopper flight anyway. Not the end of the world. On the way TO Chicago I have my exit row which is all that matters.

I was supposed to go shopping with a friend in the city today but since I have to be up at 3 tomorrow and don't have a holiday like normal people, I had to beg off. I wanted to go, but I would have had to take the train and it would have been a pain getting in and out of the city. Oh well.

I did get an honor last night from a friend. One of our fellow cast mates is getting married next month and very few people on cast are going to the wedding. I would say maybe 8-10 out of 60+ people. Well last night she invited me and the kid. She has a tight limit of 150 people and as she is getting cancelations she is inviting select people to come. Yes, I get that it makes us second tier, but after actual family and people she has known for 10 years? Yeah, I am touched to be asked. I mean seriously, those 8-10 who get to go she has known for at least 10 if not more years. So to be in the small group who get to go means a lot to me. Of course this means I have to buy a present.

Time to shower.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Y4 D100

The days keep a rolling along. 100 days down. 100 days into year 4 and I am still not Tyler Durden. Oh well.

As of yesterday I now officially have in digital format all theatrically released animated Disney movies. Man I need a girlfriend bad.

Worked during the day. Had MAJOR server issues all day which turned out to not be any fault of my own. We ended up having to shut the servers down and do some serious reconfiguration on them which wasn't completed until almost 9pm.

Around 4 the kid and I headed out for our special benefit show. The traffic was kind of sucky even that early but we got there in plenty of time. We stopped at Sonic for a quick bite and arrived onsite at about 6, well before everyone else.

The show went great. We all had a blast, there was some yelling but nothing more than any regular theater group has to deal with on a special night. We had to block the stage different, move things different, etc. But at the end of the day? We all had a blast and it was fun.

After the show some shit went down which wasn't cool. One of my friends texted me around 11. She had a close friend pass away last night. I told her I would be home later and would call her then. By the time I got home she was out at the bars and when she got home I was already asleep. We haven't been able to touch base but I hope she is okay.

About 12 of us ended up back at Sonic being goofy. It was a blast. We all laughed and had fun. Until the one creepy guy had a dead battery. None of us had cables and he only lived like five miles away so we left him there assuming he could get a jump from someone. When you have a car that is a POS, you should know better and keep cables in the car. Turns out after we left he locked the keys in his car. Now that is in no way our fault. I feel bad for him and it ended up costing him $85 to finally get home but sorry dude? That vehicle cost you $200. You might want to invest in jumper cables.

Got home about 12:30. The kid was already in bed with her boy toy. They drove home together. I crashed right out. Slept well mostly.

Tonight is round two. Another show, but this one is a themed disco show. Oy.