Sunday, September 30, 2012

Y4 D129

Just got up a little while ago. Doing much better than yesterday. I was very cranky yesterday because I had friends over Friday night and we stayed up until 1:30 drinking and playing Scrabble. Let me back up to Friday and Saturday in this post. Friday was good. I spent the day training again, essentially talking to myself. We started at 8 and wrapped up somewhere around 3:30. I then cleaned the house for a few hours. Nice thing is while I was cleaning some emails came through from folks in the class. Everyone was happy with how well the class went. That made me feel pretty good especially since my company is picking up the hotel next weekend at Disneyland as a thank you. My friends got there about 7 and we all hung out. I am copying movies over for them which was the primary reason they came over. I have 1.2 TB ready to go. I still have a few more discs of theirs to rip, but there was enough ready that we decided to start the process.

We went through an entire bottle of vodka between my friend and I. Her husband and the kid drank a half a bottle of rum. Lightweights. Regardless, I was not feeling the world when I woke up at 4:30 Saturday morning. I had to go get the stupid truck for the show last night and I had to do it early in order to have room for it. Got on the bike at 5am and rode down. Was back by sixish and promptly fell back to sleep on the couch. I ended up sleeping until 9. The kid had already left for work. I didn't really do much until she got home around 3. Then we went to target and some other errands. I needed some hangers as I want to clean up my closet. Have you priced hangers lately? I specifically want the clippy kind and fuck me. $4 for three hangers? Um hell no. People GIVE HANGERS AWAY and you want $4?? This turned into a snipe hunt to fund the cheapest hangers. Around 5 we went to a thrift store nearby and they had a huge BIN of hangers out near where they accept donations. I went up to the guy and was like 'hey do you mind if I take like 4 or 5 clippy hangers?'. He looked at me and I was worried he was going to say no or I needed to buy them. His response? Dude, take ALL of them if you want. SCORE. I got 29 clippy hangers FOR FREE. $4 for 3 hangers. Kiss my ass. FREE bitches. Snipe hunt success!

Got back home around six. Made grilled cheese sandwiches and roasted bell pepper and tomato soup for dinner. We then got ready for the show and headed into the city.

The kid was queasy and upset the whole ride up. Her boy toy supposedly had a date this last week and she was nervous he would bring the date to the show. She wasn't sure how she would feel about that. We got to the city and people started showing up including boy toy. They started talking and I see this look of victory come over her face. Later she tells me that the date fell through, he did nothing all week, and she dropped on HIM that SHE has a date Wednesday night. That's my girl. Suck it bitch!

I had a good show. Did music which meant I was in the booth for a good portion. Things went smooth. I didn't drink which was good. No major issues. All in all good time. Shitty part was having to drive the truck BACK at 3am. This is why I didn't get home until almost 4:30 and I feel like I have a cold coming on. I am going to take it easy today just in case.

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