Thursday, July 18, 2013

Y5 D54

My sister sent me an email yesterday saying that the reason possibly why I am slipping into a dark place is the current anti-climatic nature of my life. This is a very valid hypothesis. It's possible that after all the build-up of late June and early July I am simply just worn out and there is nothing exciting going on right now which is bringing me down. I can see that. I can see how I am now just feeling like 'okay, now what?'. Add to that all the excitement of dealing with a computer failure, the transmission going out, and all the other things that went on in the last few weeks, sitting at home doing nothing is just kind of underwhelming to me. Fair observation. I am still feeling that way. I am feeling a bit blue right now. Nothing is really wrong, but I am feeling like there is. Not to mention I am really tight right now money wise. Too much has been going on and I am feeling the pinch. I need to stay at home for the next few days.  I am also not looking forward to the next week. Starting Friday I have a pretty hectic schedule in store - a special show on Friday, a party on Sunday, rehearsal on Sunday, followed by three days of training onsite which will require me to drive back and forth across the bridge. Actually EVERYTHING starting on Friday will require bridge travel. Not looking forward to five straight days of sitting in traffic. I don't know. It's just all so ugh right now. I need some sleep. I need some leave me alone let me be sleep.

Taught all morning. BIG class this time which of course meant I had a few 'challenges' in the class. People who couldn't find the save button to save their lives if needed. Makes for a long day when I have people like that in class. But I got through.

After class, we went and test drove a car. The other night we went out walking and we went by the car dealerships so B could look at a car she is interested in. While we were there one caught my eye - the new Mazda 6. As she put it, it looks like a car for a guy who has his shit together without looking like an old man car or a mid-life crisis car. It wasn't bad. $30k and it has all the options and features I am looking for in a car. I may go back on Saturday and see if they can work a deal. Bottom line is if they can get me out of there cheaper than I am paying, I will do it. If not, oh well no loss. It gets almost 40mpg which would be a huge improvement over what I am getting now not to mention the annual savings in gas. Basically the same thing I wrote about in here last year around this time and the year before around this time and the year before... the problem is how upside down I am on my current car. I am still not quite at the break even point. This is what is stopping me. I think I am right on the cusp of being able to do something and we shall see this weekend. Again, if they can't, they can't. Won't be the end of the world.

When we got back we all went out for Taco Bell. Yeah. Whee.

Came home, sat in the hot tub for a while, showered, read, B watched Supernatural. Went to bed.

There ya go.

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