Friday, September 13, 2013

Y5 D111

I have so many thoughts that go through my head in a single day it's hard sometimes to keep track of them come 5am. I need to carry around something that lets me write them down quickly without having to send an email or try and type them in a phone. Just thinking out loud. No real point to that comment.

One thing I do want to talk about is the kid's mother. Why in the name of god is she hanging out with my father??? Supposedly she is up in that area for some 'band' thing she is doing and decided to send the kid a picture of her hanging out with my father. WTF? You're up there without a single member of MY family hanging out with them? Seriously. I wouldn't hang out with any of her family or X2's family. Why does she think she has some claim or right? Ugh. I know I shouldn't let it bother me since I could care less what either of those persons do, but it does bug me. Two of the people on this earth that frustrate me the most hanging out is just a sign of the apocalypse in my opinion.

Pretty straightforward day yesterday. Taught a class which went okay. Part two of the class today. Decent crowd no real issues. It's one of the more technical classes and the people who sign up for it usually have a good idea what they're in for when they show up. That makes my life easier for sure.

After class I tried to nap but failed. Watched a Dr Who episode instead. Yeah I know. But I like Chris Eccleston. He amuses me. I don't know how I will feel when it gets to the other Doctors. But at least I can finally say I have watched them.

Had sushi for dinner. I was craving it. B did pretty well for going to a real japanese place. We had a discussion about food yesterday and how I get a little frustrated at her lack of a palette. But then I think about how many years she has to go to develop real taste in food and I let it go.

After dinner we came back, she read, I putzed around on here. Didn't really do much of anything just kind of poked at things. When we got in bed she had a bit of a meltdown as she it finally hit her I am going to be gone all next week. This will be the first time since she has moved in that I have been gone for a full week like this. She is worried something will go wrong, the kid will be a slob, and a million other things. I was torn to be honest. Part of me wanted to console her and the other part wanted to tell her to suck it up and deal with it. I know that's an asshole thing to say but this is my job. I don't have a lot of control over these things. I have to travel and it benefits us. We get the points, I have a job, everyone wins. So deal with it. I did manage to keep that thought in my head luckily. I have a feeling I am going to get 4 million texts from her next week. Thank goodness I will be three hours ahead. I am hoping that works in my favor.

Today is part 2 of the class, followed by grocery shopping, followed by last minute things for my friends birthday tomorrow.

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