Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Y5 D234

Don't want to be awake right now. Too sleepy. I forgot how annoying it is getting up at this time of the morning. Been spoiled the last few weeks. Class went well yesterday. No real issues. One of the students is a little dense but otherwise things are okay. Today is day two of the same class and if I do things right I should finish us up a little early. Which means I can take a small nap. B had the day off yesterday and she enjoyed herself. She worked on the puzzle and watched TV while I taught. After class she went out to the store to replace the pot she burned the other night. Ended up getting two pots to replace one. Different sizes which is nice as we needed the other size too. I made an apple bourbon pork shoulder last night and served it with tater tots and veggies. We ate, worked on the puzzle, and attempted to watch a movie. I say attempted because we finished up the Fast movies we had and since we didn't have the last one, I switched us to another movie. Unfortunately she didn't approve of my choice. We have very different tastes sometimes in entertainment. We can mostly agree on TV shows, but movies we are worlds apart. Not that big a deal, just kind of sad that I can't seem to pick a movie we can both enjoy. Whatever. Not going to lose sleep. We compromised and watched some shows both of us like. I really need her new pills to kick in. If you notice we haven't been having sex lately. It's because she switched birth control pills and her body is out of whack. Hoping this will stabilize soon enough and we can get back to business. I am not going to push or rush her, but it's starting to get frustrating. For both of us. More teaching now.

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