Saturday, April 5, 2014

Y5 D315

Pretty decent day yesterday. My class was 100% awesome. Seriously, best class I have had in a while. They were smart, on time, asked relevant questions, knew how to mute themselves, and were just on the ball. Made for a great day. B had the day off yesterday and was in the other room while I was teaching working on some projects. She was doing some sewing and taking care of finalizing the wedding venue. Looks like that is all squared away. In 13 months we will be getting married at some historical site in MI. Whee?

After class we both took a nap. Her much longer than me as usual. While I waited for her to get up I straightened the house up as we had company last night. I went to the store to get some things for dinner, and our friends came over around 7:30. Just one couple that we have been wanting to hang out with for a while but timing hasn't worked. We finally all had a free night. It was nice. We sat around talking and having fun until about 11 as B had to be up this morning for work.

An okay day for me. She is still stressed about her job so it was a shadow over her ability to really enjoy herself, but I still feel she brings some of it on her self. I think it is a female thing. I know that sounds sexist, but I really do. There is a certain amount of empathy and emotion women bring to the workplace, both good and bad, that men don't. We are able to be more clinical about things sometimes. Sometimes. I know how frustrating people can be, but I think men are able to shake it off better and just ignore certain things. Let's see how her day goes today.

I have a couple of errands to run today and then a show tonight. Otherwise, I am free. I am sensing some Diablo in my future. I am at level 36 with my Crusader and about to finish Act 3. I would like to get through Act 3 and a good chunk of Act 4 if possible. We shall see.

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