Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Y5 D346

Decent day even if I ended up sleeping on a couch and waking up way too early. I spent the night at a friend's house to avoid having to drive all the way back home in horrendous traffic last night and dealing with the drive again this morning. Tonight I am staying at a nearby hotel for the same reason. I know in the grand scheme of things having to do this drive is minor but at the same time, it's still a pain in the ass and if there is a way for me to avoid it, I will.

Arrived on site yesterday around 6:45 and waited until people arrived at 8:15. Got setup and taught class. I have 16 students each day this week. Yesterday we went until about 4:45 but today and tomorrow I feel will wrap up earlier. They're a decent group even if I can't pronounce half of their names without pulling out my tongue. I also got a bunch of emails from our sales guy asking about OK and how that went. I told him that on Thursday I will be putting together a summary document and he can just wait. I am sure that irked him but so what.

Arrived at my friends place around 5:30 and met up with him at his work. He is a martial arts instructor and I got to watch him interact with one of his classes. That was fun watching him deal with a bunch of small children. After he finished up we headed to Chili's next door for dinner. Not bad. I had a nice mango tilapia.

We got back to his place around 7:30, I talked with B a bit but she had a headache coming on and went to bed early. I played some video games while my buddy watched baseball. Around 10, I passed out on his couch.

Today is more of the same.

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