Friday, May 8, 2015

Y6 D347

In roughly 24 hours I will be on a plane on my way home after two weeks away. Two weeks is too long. Optimal for me would be one week on the road for every 3 weeks at home. That would work for me. Long enough at home to get things done, but not so long that I go stir crazy. Enough on the road I can relax, but not so long I want to cut everyone. Back to back trips are hard. Plus I have been here for 8 days and it's just tiring.

Class was good yesterday. I like the group which is saying something. It's one of those rare times where we did the right classes in the right order to the right people. I have high confidence in this group's abilities after I leave. I think they will go far.

Got back around 4:30 and took an accidental nap which is why I am so groggy this morning. Screwed up the old sleep cycle.

Got into a discussion with B last night where I bit my tongue about some things because as I told her, I was not about to get into it at 10:30 at night via a chat window. Sorry you have been awake for 8 hours, I have been awake for 18. Go have your existential breakdown at a better time. It's a long story but the bottom line is I am right but I won't admit I am right because I just don't want to argue, especially when I am not home. Whatever.

Might do bills tonight. Got paid. Also finally got notice of two other things regarding money. One, the refund check for the TV is at long last getting cut. $564 on its way and should be here by the 22nd. Also got my Q1 bonus amount which we will see when that gets paid out. That's what started the above discussion by the way. If you've been reading, you know I have been saving to pay things off. I paid off the motorcycle, the bed, the couch, and one of my medical bills in the last month. That's a big deal. I have been avoiding 'fun' purchase for a while now to be able to do that. Plus I have enough saved for the deposit on the new apartment when we move. I made the mistake of saying I think I want to buy a PS4 when I finally get my bonus. Bad move. I didn't get anger in return, what I got was selfishness and self pity. Nope. Not in the mood for that.

I need to go check in for my flight. Twenty twenty twenty twenty four hours to go I wanna be sedated...

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