Saturday, April 16, 2016

Y7 D326

Couple things happened yesterday, one that made me really happy, the other pissed me off big time. First off I got up in the morning and checked the bank. The IRS got their money. All $2500 gone from my account. Whee. BUT here's the upside - we still have plenty of money after the rest of bills are paid to make it through the week and we still have some savings left. I know to most people that wouldn't seem like a victory, but think back to just 5 years ago where I was. I wouldn't have been able to pay this at all let alone still have money left over and still have a savings. I am so proud of everything I have accomplished these last couple of years in respect to money. I am still not where I want to be but damn if this doesn't make me feel good. I didn't have to leverage any credit to take care of this debt. One shot, done.

I went out in the morning which is when the thing that upset me happened. I went over to Walgreens to pick up a prescription and noticed a fucking rock chip dead center of my windshield. I have been babying this car since I got it 6 months ago. I knew taking a road trip was going to be dangerous. Bam right there. It's all I see when I drive now. So fucking annoying.

Got my upgrade notice for both of my flights. Printing out boarding passes right now. Finally seeing the benefits of being platinum. Speaking of flights, had some discussion on my trip to London in a few weeks. There is some concern I won't be able to book this travel myself which worries me. This is too many miles to not get the perks. Plus the hotel stay. I found a Doubletree .4 miles from their offices and they better let me stay there.

Also talked to my client in Anaheim for the week after. She was under the impression I would be doing a custom class and I had to tell her no way. You don't surprise this on me last minute. We will be using sample data thank you very much. No custom shit at the 11th hour.

Did my timesheet and expense reports. Fun stuff. I managed to do a week in Reno for $700. Not bad at all.

Did laundry, repacked clothes, and got ready to leave. Went to Costco and the grocery store to make sure B has what she needs while I am gone. She is still having a bad time of it. Her cyst on her back is killing her. We finally got it to break skin last night but it was rough. She was on the couch with compresses all night.

Tried to catch up on a little TV, managed to watch through some stuff. Still behind on others. Not sure how much we can get through today but we will try. Not much going on today. Just getting ready to go.

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