Sunday, April 17, 2016

Y7 D327

It's finally after midnight. I should still be sleeping but that didn't work out so well. While most of you are going to bed, I am up and off to the airport in two hours. Lucky me. We had a decent day. Ran some errands, relaxed, tried to have Chik-Fil-A and ended up having taco bell. Big fucking mistake. I am paying for that right now. One of the reasons I am awake. I tried laying down at 8pm but it's so hot I tossed and turned. I finally fell asleep around 9:30 only to be up  at 11:30 with the worst acid indigestion known to man. So fucking bad. I just walked to the store and got one of their machine smoothies to try and settle my stomach since rantadine and tums are failing. Jesus how many words do you fucking think I misspelled machine? So many red squigglies in that last paragraph.

I am hoping my stomach calms down in the next two hours. I fly out at 5, get to Tulsa around 2 local time. Long day. Maybe I can get some sleep on the plane. Yeah right.

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