Sunday, March 19, 2017

Y8 D297

Days like yesterday are why i don't have a lot to write any more. It used to be a Saturday night meant a wild ruckus downtown at the wine bar, or the last few years, a show. Where who knows what crazy shit might have happened. Now? Indian food. Played video games. Watched some TV with B. Bed at 11. Seriously.

And it's not like anything happened during the day. Yesterday when I got up B was still awake. Why? Because sometimes she doesn't listen to me. I told her not to take TWO sleeping pills as they would act against each other and keep her up. What time did she go to bed? 6:30am. Yeah. So I was alone until about 1. I cleaned. I did dishes. I did laundry. Then we went out to dinner at 6.

That really was the extent of my day. I didn't go anywhere by myself in the early part of the day. Hopefully today will be a little more exciting.

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