Friday, March 24, 2017

Y8 D302

Not much going on right now. Worked on my document, made dinner, went to bed. Not an exciting day. I swear I feel like I did something though and I can't remember what it was. Whatever it was it wasn't very exciting. I am extremely sleepy this morning. Had a rough night. Lots of tossing and turning. As a result I am kind of out of it this morning. 

Side note - all these people complaining about how the country is currently being run are all the same ones who voted for this administration because they wanted the country to be 'run like a business' need to shut up. Why? Because it is running like a business. A business cares about profit. Fuck the humans, make the money. Say what you need to say, but at the end of the day, make the numbers. For example, last night Congress voted to overturn an FCC rule that stopped internet companies from selling your data including browsing history. Why? Because it makes those companies more money more money more money. Welcome to the machine bitches. You voted for it. Enjoy it.

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