Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Y9 D88

I missed the eclipse yesterday. Oh well. I will just have to wait for the next one in 99 years. What? I can do it. Why not. I will figure it out. B got to see it and was not impressed. She did take some really good pictures though with her instamax. I was talking to my driver about it. He was telling me when he grew up and there was a partial one back in the 90s, his entire village freaked out. This was a place where they had no electricity, very rural, etc. To them it was the end of the world. I mean I can understand this 100 or 200 years ago but not like 25. That just floors me. Can you imagine living in a place where science is so foreign that an eclipse truly seems like the end of the world and that the gods were angry at you? Less than 50 years ago to boot. Amazing. This is the kind of thing westerners don't understand about the rest of the world. That there are literally people living right now whose grasp of science and the universe is so stunted that they think the gods are punishing them by blotting out the sun. What a fucked up world we live in where that kind of gasp exists today.

I had a very uneventful travel day and for that I am grateful. I only had a 25 minutes layover between flights, both flights were early, I have a very nice Lincoln SUV for my rental car, there was no traffic on the freeway, and I have a corner suite at the hotel. And for once I am in a nice room for more than one or two nights. So far so good in NC. The only hiccup was having to go out at 8:40 last night to pick up the manuals for today because someone fucked up on our side and forgot to get them shipped on time. The FedEx location was not in the best of neighborhoods and I stuck out like a sore thumb. That part was not fun.

Had decent mexican food for dinner. I was really amazed at how good it was for being in this location. Didn't expect to find real authentic food here. Was figuring more cracker barrel types places. Believe me, there are plenty of those around here too, but I just happened to be right next door to a decent mexican place. I may eat there again tonight. We shall see.

Nothing much else going on except my sister being smart. She has been keeping her mom's ashes hostage until other family members get their shit together and that turned out to be a wise decision. There's nothing like a funeral to bring out the 'best' in 'family'. She's been dealing with some greedy fucks wanting more than they should get. Gee, I don't know anything about that, do I? She has been handling it quite well though and kudos to her for kicking ass.

Day one of three here on site. Let's see how today goes.

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