Sunday, February 18, 2018

Y9 D268

So we now have a second fish tank. We went to the fish store to talk to them about a new snail, and B sees a poor slightly retarded one-eyed chalceus fish. She must rescue him. He now lives in our house along with a swordtail, a dalmation tetra, a mystery snail, and an algae eater. Sigh. It's only a 20 gallon tank and when they are bigger (and we have the room) we can upgrade our other one to a 60 or 80 and everyone can live together. The things I do for my woman.

Went to the store early yesterday and picked up some grocery type things. Nothing fancy or crazy, just enough to get us through the week. I am home at least the next two weeks but then may be gone again and I don't want to have too much in the house.

Came back, put things away, kind of fell back to sleep (I was up at 3 something), and then B got up and we went to the fish store. That pretty much took up the rest of the day. We had leftovers for dinner, played some video games, read, and went to bed around 10.

Today there are no plans. I need to iron for tomorrow's early onsite. I am still pretty raw about this. There is really no reason I have to be onsite tomorrow, but I will be. I will elaborate after it happens to make sure I am in the right.

Other than ironing, not much else. We got laundry done last night which will save me some time today. The house is pretty clean so nothing needing to be done there either. Nope, just a relaxing Sunday. It 'snowed' last night. As in lawns are white and tops of cars are covered, but that's about it. It's supposed to continue throughout the day. We shall see.

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