Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Y10 D4

When I took the bandage off yesterday, it was still bleeding. Mostly because we used cotton pads since we had no gauze in the house and the wound start to cauterize over the cotton pad. When I pulled off the dressing, it pulled off the wound. Yes, I went to the store and bought gauze pads to avoid that. Last night when I changed the dressing again, it appears the bleeding has finally stopped. But man, I wasn't joking, I really tore out a piece of thumb. I don't think it will ever heal back fully. I managed to go 49 years with all my pieces but looks like part of me stays behind.

I did nothing yesterday. Timesheet, expense report, nothing. These light days are annoying. I wish my trip was this weekend. I would just take thursday and friday as part of it. Oh well.

Made baked burritos last night. They came out really good. I was impressed at the recipe I used and how well they ended up being. Sometimes you get lucky.

Watched some tv, went to bed around 10.

Three students today, ONE a paying real student. The other two are internal and can kiss my ass.

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