Friday, December 7, 2018

Y10 D195

Holy hell, it's a miracle. All three elevators are working again. Finally it doesn't take 15 minutes just to get to my room. Of course they get all of them working when I have one day left here. Good times.

I am not looking forward to next week. My contact is already pissing me off. They wanted to start at 9:30 and I am like um no. It's going to be a full class of fucking annoying people. I can already tell. The contact at least is a pain. She is not responsive, doesn't answer questions completely, and sends emails at 10pm. Fuck you,

My group went well yesterday. I don't have any problems with these people. I really do like them. They're alright folks. We got through everything and finished at 4. We should finish around 3 today if all goes well. Get out of there and get to bed early.

I will only have 4-5 waking hours at home tomorrow. Need to do laundry, wrap presents, go through mail, and whatever things B needs done. It's going to suck. But it is what it is.

That is all.

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