Sunday, December 23, 2018

Y10 D211

Hey look! It's a Sunday at 7am and I am not on a plane or at an airport! WOO! Fucking miracle on 34th street going on over here. Merry Christmas Eve Eve to all!!

Got a lot done in the basement yesterday. I unpacked ALL of the book boxes and loaded up the bookshelves. I need at least one more large bookcase to fit everything, but at least they're out and unpacked. Next time I mock someone for only reading one author, smack me upside the head. I have 57 Pratchett, 23 Holt, 27 Heinlein, 22 Palahniuk, and 28 Rankin just as an example. Do I read the same dumb ass authors? Yep. I sure do. So who am I to talk?

I did get an update on my 'missing' friend yesterday. Thanks go to my buddy who called me with the news. It turns out he *was* in the hospital and MIA for a little while. He had blood pressure through the roof and got admitted. Like 'how are you still alive?' levels of blood pressure. But he appears to be back amongst the living and doing okay. One mystery solved.

B worked at her grandparents yesterday doing more cleaning while I worked here at the house. We also started hanging some pictures and artwork which makes me happy. I like things on the walls. Makes it feel less empty. I appreciate art for the sake of art and the bare walls have been bugging me. That's why the bookcases were important. They just been sitting there all empty like and it was annoying me.

We got groceries for B to start making cookies today. She is making over 125 cookies for everyone as Christmas gifts. I am not looking forward to having to go to people's houses on Monday and Tuesday but I will go, I will smile, and I will go home. People tell me to get used to it, but I am 50 fucking years old. I am not getting used to anything.

Side note - my other friend did his standup the other night and sent me a video. HE DID AWESOME! I was really excited watching him. It was the most I have ever heard him talk in public in one shot in the 25 years I have known him. But seriously he did an outstanding job and I am proud of him for getting up in front of an audience and putting himself out there like that. Takes a lot of courage and he did great. You rock my friend.

I am going to hang more shit today but otherwise not do anything taxing. I am taking it easy at least until Wednesday. I wish my new laptop was getting here sooner though. Oh well. It will give me something to do next week.

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