Saturday, March 9, 2019

Y10 D287

I got a fucking bomb dropped on me yesterday by my boss. The one owner finally had enough and bought out the other owner. Snickety Snack no turning back. Now to be honest, I knew he was considering this as far back as last July. I guess he gave him one more chance on a project, he fucked it up, and that's that. What does that mean for my job? Honestly, I don't know. My division is still making money. We're a $1m a year part of the business. But I really don't know. I am going to be keeping my eyes and ears out for opportunities though. See what's out there in this area.

After my meeting we ran some errands. B had gone to Costco with her grandmother earlier in the day but I wanted to go to a couple of places. Still looking for a receiver for the basement.

Made ribs for dinner. They came out much better this time. I was quite happy with them.

We went back to B's grandparents after dinner to get their truck. B has to work with her dad on a job today and I didn't want to get stuck home without a car. Sorry. It's the Weekend of George dammit. I have two places to go and I am going. So suck it world.

Oh, I created an account on linkedin. I didn't want to, but I know it's probably for the best. Sigh. Those of you who know me in real life, see if you can find me.

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