Saturday, April 11, 2020

Y11 D321

I went to the store yesterday and damn near had a panic attack as a result. First off, I went to the 'big' grocery store because we needed about 30 items on our list. I knew that from a price and selection standpoint I would have a better time at the bigger store. But I also knew it would be a clusterfuck and I was right. They are open from 8am to 10pm right now. Down from 24 hours. Apparently everyone wants to get their shopping down right at 8am. I got there at 7:50 and was about 75th in line. Seriously. The line wrapped down the front of the building and then in a U back into the parking lot. That already set me on edge. Then as I am standing there waiting, I had to listen to these damn old white people talk about how "silly this all is" and how "it's the fake media hyping it all up". Half of them weren't wearing masks either. I wanted to scream at them so bad. It didn't help it was 31 degrees with snow. They finally open the doors at 8:08 and when I get to the door I get stopped because they are trying to keep the crowd down. I had to stand out there for a few more minutes. I get inside and it's a zoo. Fucking people not respecting distance, acting like it's a regular day. Stopping in aisles, walking in front of people and stopping, etc. My nerves and panic level were soaring. I got what I needed short 4 things. Not bad. The checkout process was great so kudos to the store for that. I was out of there in less than 10 minutes from the time I got in line. But man it was an experience. I had to compose myself in the parking lot for a few. I decided to hit the other, smaller, grocery store on the way home. Night and day experience. I was one of like 5 people in there and they had all but 1 of my remaining 4 items. Yes, it's more expensive and they don't carry as many brands, but I'll be damned if I go through that experience again. I have to find a better option.

Got home, put everything away, went downstairs to work. Took care of outstanding stuff until about 2pm. B was up all night so she didn't get up until almost 3. Must be nice. I slept in until 7am this morning and feel guilty.

Did stuff around the house. Cleaned up some things, did laundry, worked on fish. Had taco night for dinner. We watched some TV and I went to bed around 11.

NOTHING planned for today. Staying inside, staying safe.

Some good news; got the refi locked in. Went from 5.25 to 3.168. Over the life of the loan, that will save us $58,000. That's huge. I should get it closed in the next couple of weeks. Let's see how it goes.

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