Monday, April 13, 2020

Y11 D323

I finally made it to tarantula island last night! I now have 129 of those little fuckers. Some of you know what I mean by that. Others are like WTF? In Animal Crossing, the most valuable thing you can sell is tarantulas. They are not easy to catch or find. Except on one random island. On most islands it takes 2 hours to fill your bag, there it takes 15 minutes. But it's a random get. So I was very happy to hit it last night. This is what I am reduced to, being happy about catching bugs. Whee.

Calm day yesterday. Did go to the grocery store (the little one) for eggs, bread, and a couple of other actual neccesities. Not a screw around trip. B was talking to her mom last night and they number of people she knows who are still going to walmart to just "walk around" is ridiculous. We're never getting out of this at that rate.

Made sloppy joes for dinner.

This is my last week with the TX folks. 3 days, 4 classes, 50 students. I can do it. If I make it through, I get Thursday and Friday off. Yeah baby. I can make it. I swear.

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