Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Y12 D14

I heard from a good friend yesterday. We chatted a bit and it was nice to hear we're not the only ones struggling with the same issues. Stuck at home, tired of seeing each other, getting on each other's nerves, trying to reconcile everything, etc. Sometimes in situations like this you don't see that everyone around you is going through similar stuff. You need to hear or see it to know you're not alone. It was helpful for me and B.

I've been watching Airbender on netflix. Man, what a great show. Up until now I didn't have really any opinion on it, good or bad. It wasn't something I had much thought about. But since it's available, I started it. I love it! I am in season 3 and let me tell you Iroh is the shit. Goals. I see now why people have always been in love with that show. Almost done with it and then I can watch the sequel, Korra.

Took more training yesterday. Had my 1:1 and am very happy with how those are going. I finally feel listened to. Amazing how much that does for morale.

Had a nice quiche and salad for dinner. We needed a light meal. We've been comfort eating for too long. Too heavy.

B is headed out to the cabin tomorrow. Staying until Saturday. She needs a change of scenery and I need some privacy. Think it will be good for both of us.

More training today. Then I need to move the dryer. The new one comes tomorrow. So excited. Yeah, I am a boring old man.

In more important things, you all need to watch this video. It's one of the most powerful, eye opening things I have ever watched:


I leave you to think about that today.

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