Monday, July 20, 2020

Y12 D55

Want to see why going to the grocery store is such a stressful experience for me? Here you go:

These are the types of fucking morons I am surrounded by. You see why I have so much anxiety right now? I wish he was an anomaly but nope. Add to this the ones who won't wear any mask at all, who go the wrong way down one way aisles, the people who get in your space and you have my typical shopping experience. Oh so much fun.

Yesterday was a bit stressful for me. One of the filters died on one of the tanks. The impeller motor burned. Now granted this was the filter we got for free when we got the big tank. It's at least a year we had it, plus however long they had it before us. In that respect, it did its job. I ended up replacing it with a Fluval 306 which frankly is more appropriately sized for that tank. It was also WAY easier to setup, to prime, to configure, etc. It just wasn't an expense I was planning on this weekend. Sometimes the universe doesn't give you a choice though.

We had some freaky weather about midday. It was moderately nice outside (hot, but not bright) when all of a sudden a MASSIVE thunderstorm came rolling in. Right after I got back from the store too luckily. It was a power flickering situation for us. For a couple of our friends it was lights out. One had a tree fall in their yard and they were still without power as of 10pm. They too have fish and lizards and are stressing out about everyone staying alive. B is going over there this morning to see what she can do to help out.

Made burgers and fries for dinner. I had a nice black and blue burger. We started watching Korra. Not as engaging yet as ATLA but also not bad. The animation update is much nicer. Played some video games and went to bed around 10:30.

I have been confusing next week and this week work wise. I thought I had a full week of stuff to do but the reality is I have NOTHING on the calendar for this week. I will do some recording to use my time efficiently but other than that, should be a quiet week.

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