Saturday, July 25, 2020

Y12 D60

Let's talk about something for a moment, shall we? I was reading last night how the cop who killed George Floyd was busted yesterday for not reporting nearly 500,000 in income on his taxes and now owes 21,000 to the IRS. Derek Chauvin I believe is his name. The same guy who KILLED a man for passing a counterfeit $20 bill. Think about that for second. One man dies for a fake $20 and another walks the street for essentially committing a half million dollars in fraud. Why? Because we have this fucked up and distorted view of what's "crime" in this country. If it's crime against "the man", aka the gubment, then it's okay. White collar bullshit like fudging your taxes isn't only ignored, it's expected. Everyone is expected to bump their deductions a little, forget about that one savings account. Those things are okay. If you're an upper middle class+ white person. Oops. Almost forgot that last part about being a WHITE PERSON. And it's "only a crime if they catch you ha ha". How many of these so called good people are out there every day funneling money from one account to another? If the crime happens on a computer or behidn closed doors, is it really a crime they say? But lord help us a black man, a poor man, a struggling man, steals a loaf of bread to feed their family and the next thing you know there's a knee on their neck and they can't breathe. Or maybe there's a nice group of moms out protesting that knee. Well we can't have that. Round them up! Throw them into unmarked vans and shoot tear gas in their face! Then let's show it at a white house press briefing and act like it's all good.

Welcome to the fucked up world you all created. Dystopia 101. I don't want a basement anymore. I want a bunker.

In other news, my sister's FIL passed away. Kind of sucks. But he was older, in pain, and already suffering so they were prepped for it. Unfortunately they also lost one of their dogs unexpectedly. That part sucks. I knew this dog and it was good dog.

My buddy's dog is also sick. Was just diagnosed with lymphoma and starts chemo on Monday.

Doggos don't deserve shit like this. Assholes mentioned above deserve this but they just get a slap on the wrist. I should mention, he's not going to jail for owing that money. Nope. Set up a payment plan and send them $100 a month for the rest of your life. That'll do donkey.

Took my car in for service. Went to the grocery store. Did laundry. Worked on docs. Attended a 2 hour company meeting. Made torellini for dinner. Went to bed. My life in comparison is a nice boring borefest.


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